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Struts University 2 

Several presentations regarding Struts and Struts-related technologies are 
available at the Struts SourceForge site.

These are the usual slide-only presentations without speaker notes, but may be 
of interest if you need to give one of your own.:) Please feel free to fold, 
mutilate, or spindle. 

My personal favorite is Struts Milehigh. Though, I imagine the Struts Practices 
slides might cause a stir ... 

The slides are provided in PDF and SXI (OpenOffice) format. The presentations 
are available individually in either format, or in ZIPs of all the PDF files or 
all the SXI files. 

* Hibernate 101 - Simple applications are simple to build. But most of our 
projects are complex, not simple. Hibernate is a tool that helps you go beyond 
the basics and manage the complex. 

* iBATIS Petstore - Struts has always shipped with a simple example 
application. But for many teams, MailReader is a bit too simple. iBATIS 
Petstore uses an architecture that hooks Struts up to Apache iBATIS for data 
access. Let's have a look ... 

* JUnit Jumpstart - Writing simple tests by hand; Writing better tests with 
JUnit; Installing JUnit and running tests 

* Mailreader for Commons Chain - Commons Chain is breathing new life and 
flexibility into the Struts Request Processor. But how can you use it in your 
own applications? 

* Spring 101 - Refactoring with Spring; Inside Spring 

* Struts by Design - The popularity of Struts implies that it's doing something 
right. But, how well is Struts designed? Can we apply the same design 
principals in our own applications? 

* Struts Milehigh View - A framework like Struts can be hard to explain in only 
words or only pictures. This session is a milehigh view of the Struts 
lifecycle, mostly in pictures, with a few words added for clarity. 

* Struts Best Practices - Struts is a flexible and forgiving framework and 
works well even when you use it wrong. Here are few practices designed to help 
keep your application on the âstraight and narrowâ. 

* Struts Roadmap (Oct 2004) - Struts is the de facto standard framework for 
Java web applications, but where did it come from, and where is it going? And 
what about the many alternatives, like Tapestry, WebWork, and JavaServer Faces? 
Are they different than Struts? Are theybetter? 

* Don't Panic: Struts Testcase - Learn how to unit test Struts components. 

* Test your View with Webtest Canoo - Canoo WebTest is a popular tool for 
testing the V in MVC. But what does it actually do? How does it fit into an 
overall testing strategy? 

* Canoo Webtest Jumpstart - Layering your application means layering your tests 
to match. Let's see how you can use Canoo WebTest to test the V in MVC.


- Ted Husted.

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