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The following page has been changed by TedHusted:

The comment on the change is:
Escape the Wiki``Names

- OverDrive is a working whiteboard proposal for a new Struts subproject. The 
subproject will feature a set of best-practice applications written using a MVC 
framework that merges Struts with the Commons Chain of Responsiblity package.
+ Over``Drive is a working whiteboard proposal for a new Struts subproject. The 
subproject will feature a set of best-practice applications written using a MVC 
framework that merges Struts with the Commons Chain of Responsiblity package.
  Applications rule, frameworks drool.
- Most application frameworks ship with one or more example applications. 
Struts has MailReader. iBATIS has Petstore. JSF has CarDemo. ASP.NET 
distributes several "starter kits". Some frameworks, like Spring, even consider 
the examples to be "first-class citizens".
+ Most application frameworks ship with one or more example applications. 
Struts has Mail``Reader. iBATIS has Petstore. JSF has Car``Demo. ASP.NET 
distributes several "starter kits". Some frameworks, like Spring, even consider 
the examples to be "first-class citizens".
- From the OverDrive perspective, the applications are not just first-class 
citizens, they are the only first-class citizens. The MVC framework shared by 
the applications is simply a means to an end.
+ From the Over``Drive perspective, the applications are not just first-class 
citizens, they are the only first-class citizens. The MVC framework shared by 
the applications is simply a means to an end.
- OverDrive is about writing business applications, regardless of platform, and 
extracting components the applications can share. The initial OverDrive 
applications are being written for ASP.NET/Mono, but versions for Java5 and 
PHP5 are expected.
+ Over``Drive is about writing business applications, regardless of platform, 
and extracting components the applications can share. The initial Over``Drive 
applications are being written for ASP.NET/Mono, but versions for Java5 and 
PHP5 are expected.
  The first two applications on the billet are
-     * PhoneBook â A single-table employee directory.
+     * Phone``Book â A single-table employee directory.
-     * MailReader â A multi-table account listing.
+     * Mail``Reader â A multi-table account listing.
  Once these ship, others will follow, including
@@ -23, +23 @@

      * Wicker - A shopping cart application.
      * Gavel - An online b2c auction application.
- The MVC Framework behind the OverDrive applications bundles two major 
+ The MVC Framework behind the Over``Drive applications bundles two major 
      * Agility, a C# port of Commons Chain of Responsibility.
      * Nexus, an application controller built over Agility.
@@ -32, +32 @@

  Agility vs Agility
- "Is there a relationship between OverDrive Agility and the unreleased Agility 
package in Commons Chain?"
+ "Is there a relationship between Over``Drive Agility and the unreleased 
Agility package in Commons Chain?"
  The major relationship is that Ted likes the name Agility, and isn't planning 
to have any more children. Forman named all of his kids George. Likewise, Ted 
is naming all of his new projects Agility. :)
- But, seriously, the whiteboard Agility package in Commons Chain suggests that 
we use CoR as the basis for a request/response front controller. OverDrive is 
building just such an application controller under the name Nexus. But, to 
build Nexus, first we needed a C# port of CoR. Chain of Responsibility is such 
a mouthful, we're calling our port of CoR "Agility" instead.
+ But, seriously, the whiteboard Agility package in Commons Chain suggests that 
we use CoR as the basis for a request/response front controller. Over``Drive is 
building just such an application controller under the name Nexus. But, to 
build Nexus, first we needed a C# port of CoR. Chain of Responsibility is such 
a mouthful, we're calling our port of CoR "Agility" instead.
  For the sake of consistency, we could have called the CoR port "Nexus" and 
the application controller "Agility", but the names just didn't seem to fit as 
- Agility - The gracefulness of a person or animal that is quick and nimble
+     * Agility - The gracefulness of a person or animal that is quick and 
+     * Nexus - The means of connection between things linked in series
- Nexus - The means of connection between things linked in series
+ The CoR package, Agility, provides the grace and nimbleness. The framework 
package, Nexus, connects Agility with our software applications. Nexus is where 
it all comes together.
- To me, the CoR package, Agility, provides the grace and nimbleness. The 
framework package, Nexus, connects Agility with our software applications. 
Nexus is where it all comes together.
- Once OverDrive is underway, the Agility package in Commons CoR could be 
replaced with a Java port of Nexus, and then everything will fall in line.
+ Once Over``Drive is underway, the Agility package in Commons CoR could be 
replaced with a Java port of Nexus, and then everything will fall in line.

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