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The following page has been changed by MartinCooper:

The comment on the change is:
Get rolling on 1.2.7

New page:
= Struts 1.2.7 Release =

== Info ==

 1. Struts [ Release Guidelines]
 2. [ Signing Releases]

 3. Apache [ Mirroring Guidelines]
== Release Manager ==

The release manager is '''Martin Cooper'''

== Special Issues ==


== Outstanding Bug Review ==

|| '''ID''' || '''Summary''' || '''Component''' || '''Status''' ||
|| 20034 || Invalid cache in !InsertTag || taglibs || ? ||
|| 23127 || Page attribute of img and image tags doesn't use pagePattern 
setting || taglibs || ? ||
|| 31230 || Multiple classes using deprecated !DefinitionsUtil class || Tiles 
|| Remove deprecations in 1.3.x ||
|| 31658 || !LogonAction does not check errors in appropriate place || 
!MailReader || Will change in 1.3.x when Apps is a subproject ||
|| 32165 || !FacesRequestProcessor bug when using prefix mapped Struts ... || 
struts-faces || N/A ||
|| 32341 || [Shale] org.apache.shale.Constants breaks OOP || shale || N/A ||
|| 32595 || Scaffold !BaseAction.executeLogic() calls removed 
!ActionServlet.log(String, Integer) || sandbox || N/A ||
|| 32624 || Scaffold !BaseAction.getMessageResources calls removed 
!ActionServlet.getResources() || sandbox || N/A ||
|| 33132 || org.apache.struts.upload.!MultipartRequestWrapper doesn't implement 
servlet 2.4 api fully || upload || ? ||
|| 33254 || unable to specify maximum file size attribute greater than 1GB in 
struts-config.xml || upload || ? ||
|| 33989 || ant test.tomcat.40 fails: taskdef class 
org.apache.cactus.ant.!RunServerTestsTask cannot be found, task name 
runservertests || test || ? ||
|| 33996 || !ChainAction does not support non-default catalogs || sandbox || ? 
|| 34314 || Tiles Request Processor Does Not Catch !NoSuchDefinitionException 
|| tiles || ? ||
|| 34445 || use charsets given by browser for form field encodings || upload || 
? ||
|| 34495 || Add Java Doc to may source files and add more Tapestry  like 
support || shale || N/A ||
|| 34496 || Add Java Doc to may source files and add more Tapestry  like 
support || shale || N/A ||

== Preparation Checklist ==

|| '''#''' || '''Description''' || '''Status''' ||
|| 1. || Announce plan to dev@ list; link from roadmap page || Not Done ||
|| 2. || Review/Resolve Outstanding Bugs || Not Done ||
|| 3. || Update Release Notes || Not Done ||
|| 4. || Check Dependencies || Not Done ||
|| 5. || Update to version 1.2.7 build.xml, project.xml, and the MANIFEST.MF || 
Not Done ||

The Commons [ 
Preparation Guide] is a helpful preparation backgrounder, but Commons
uses the "beta/release-candidate/final" process.

Likewise, the [ HTTPD Release 
Guidelines] is a helpful "overall process" backgrounder,
but HTTPD does not use a test-build stage.

Dependency versions for this release:

|| '''Dependency''' || '''Version''' || '''Status''' ||
|| Commons !BeanUtils || 1.7.0 || Released ||
|| Commons Collections || 2.1.1 || Released ||
|| Commons Digester || 1.6 || Released ||
|| Commons !FileUpload || 1.0 || Released ||
|| Commons Logging || 1.0.4 || Released ||
|| Commons Validator || 1.1.4 || Released ||

== Testing Checklist ==

=== Testing Summary ===

|| '''#''' || '''Description''' || '''Completed''' ||
|| 1. || Run Unit Test targets  || No ||
|| 2. || Run Cactus Tests (see below) || No ||
|| 3. || Play test bundled applications (TC 5.0.x) || No ||

TODO: A Canoo !WebTest for the applications would be great!

=== Cactus Tests ===

|| '''#''' || '''J2SE Version''' || '''Tomcat Version''' ||  '''Status''' ||
|| 1. || J2SE 1.3.1_13 || Tomcat 4.1.30 || Not Done ||
|| 2. || J2SE 1.4.2_04 || Tomcat 4.1.30 || Not Done ||
|| 3. || J2SE 1.3.1_13 || Tomcat 5.0.28 || Not Done ||
|| 4. || J2SE 1.4.2_04 || Tomcat 5.0.28 || Not Done ||

== Test Build Checklist (A) ==

See also Commons [ 
Step-by-Step Guide]

|| '''#''' || '''Description''' || '''Completed''' ||
|| A1. || Tag release in cvs: STRUTS_1_2_7 || No ||
|| A2. || Run Distribution Target || No ||
|| A3. || Upload Distribution to || No ||
|| A4. || Post release-quality vote on dev@ and user@ lists || No ||

== Vote (A) ==

|| PMC Member || Quality ||

If release vote fails, including for a lack of quorum, remove from dist 

== Point Release Checklist (B) ==

|| '''#''' || '''Description''' || '''Completed''' ||
|| B1. || Create Sums and Sign Distributions [2] || No ||
|| B2. || Request new Bugzilla version level (1.2.7) || No ||
|| B3. || Update "Acquiring" page on website and Test Downloads || No ||

== Vote (B) ==

|| PMC Member || Quality ||

Voting continues until a GA or "withdraw" vote passes, or there is a
subsequent release.

== General Availability Checklist (C) ==

|| '''#''' || '''Description''' || '''Completed''' ||
|| C1. || Copy Distribution to Mirrored Directories [3] || No ||
|| C2. || Deploy JAR to Apache Java-Repository || No ||
|| C3. || After 24 hours, update "Acquiring" page on website || No ||
|| C4. || Post an announcement to lists and website || No ||

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