
I take your point, but in the (CVS) past all we had was a contrib directory
which we just "dumped" into the source distro. However now (in SVN) we have
a much more flexible repository and some of the things that were in
"contrib" are now sub-modules and are on their own path to release. For
example "struts-faces", "struts-el" and "struts-flow" are now modules "el",
"faces" and "flow" and "struts-chain" is now incorporated into the "core" -
you can download nightly builds of all these here:


...and at some point they will have their own release and distros. Other
things that were in "contrib" are currently in the "sandbox" and they face
the evolutionary test - either they'll survive and get promoted or they will
go the "extinction" route. At this point in time (before any 1.3.x releases)
I think its a case of making a sensible judgement between compatibility with
previous releases and not worrying too much about what was in large part
"sandbox" code. For anyone where this is an issue, then all of these things
are still available through the SVN repository.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Rasmussen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 3:04 PM

Just as a point of personal preference, it seems like removing massive
feature sets from a 1.x.x release is a little misleading.  But I don't
use any of those libraries in a production app, so I can't say it
wouldn't really impact me.

On 5/4/05, Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The last "ga" Struts release (i.e. version 1.2.4) was done from CVS and
> contents of the "contrib" folder were shipped in the source distribution.
> Since then we have moved to SVN and re-organised the repository and the
> thing now included in the 1.2.x source distribution are the "el tags".
> Since I haven't used anything from "contrib" I'm pretty neutral about
> including any of it, but given that some people may have done, do we want
> include any or all of the things that we previously shipped?
> Struts 1.2.4 included the following in "contrib" (as well as Struts-el)
> /artimus
> /scaffold
> /struts-chain
> /struts-faces
> /struts-jericho
> /tag-doc
> /workflow

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