I am a long time Struts user. While there are still may be some
unclear areas (ones that I not use), I think that I have a pretty good
understanding of action/form workins and of request/response cycle.

I would like to donate some stuff, namely modified
LookupDispatchAction (aka ParameterDispatchAction), DialogAction and
WizardAction. I also want to create several easy-to-plug-in
components, kind of ASP.NET provide for a long time. Struts is pretty
flexible, but is too basic. It should be more feature-rich. How about
creating struts.components package? I also want to create a simple
starter app (no database, web layer only), which exploits some of my
ideas. I want to provide better Model/View connection.

I understand that my goals are quite arrogant, so maybe I can join
Struts Application project and develop my stuff there (in hope that it
sometime would be accepted in the main Struts trunk ;) )

I wanted to establish my own project on java.net, but it seems easier
(and more humble ;) ) to join already established project.

So, will Struts Application project members let me become a member? I
promise to behave ;)


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