On 5/5/05, Apache Wiki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> +  * Focusing on persons rather than on principles.
> +  * Using ad hominem remarks or labels rather than reasoned discussion
> +  * Responding to a thread without reading it first.
> +  * Collecting allies rather than information.

Hmmm, not so much. :)

The ASF is a meritocracy. People earn merit by doing things that
matter to other people. We're a people-place. We're driven by
warm-and-squishy ideas like consensus and agreement.

It's cool to have neat code, but what's really important to us is the
community that creates the code. The code itself, and all the reasoned
logic behind it, is a byproduct.

Great communities create great code, but, paradoxically, great code,
by itself, doesn't build great communities. If we have to choose
between code and community, we'll take community every time.

What these definitions say is that it's not about Being Right, it's
about finding the right path.

The right path, for us, is  dictated by consensus. Each one of us
might feel some other path is "better", but the right path is the one
we can all walk together.

So, are we 

* Focusing on persons rather than on principles?

Our primary principle is meritocracy: Or, "them that do the work make
the decisions". So, yes, we do focus on people. Without volunteers,
there is no project. People are our only working capital.

Are we in the habit of

* Using ad hominem remarks or labels rather than reasoned discussion?

Yes, Apaches often say zen-like things like "Merit never expires" and
"Thanks for volunteering". Often, these remarks represents discussions
we've already had many, many times.

Might we be 

* Responding to a thread without reading it first?

Not often, but when a thread is going sour, people may sometimes try
to change the subject. Not to hijack the thread, but to rescue it.

Are we

* Collecting allies rather than information?

In a meritocracy, allies matter. Information doesn't do the work. Allies do. 


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