Yes, these entries would fit better under the Incubator wiki, along
with a few other terms and phrase like "Thanks for Volunteering",
"Them that does the work make the decisions", "Merit never expires",
and "Don't be evil".

I'll get on it. 


On 5/6/05, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You know, I've seen a couple of Wiki updates today and in recent days
> past with regard to defining PITA, and some related things, and it has
> frankly reached a point where someone has to speak up, and I guess it's
> going to be me.
> We probably all know the people involved in these posts and know at
> least some of the history behind it all, on both sides.
> Am I the only one that thinks this is a pretty immature way for people
> who purport to be professionals to be dealing with one another?  Forget
> for a moment who may or may not have valid points, regardless of that,
> is this the proper use for the Struts Wiki?  It's essentially
> name-calling in the guise of a FAQ entry and comes across, to me at
> least, as petty and childish.
> Is this really the image anyone wants to project to the rest of the
> world?  Do we really want to see the Wiki devolve into a convenient
> place for people to banter and bicker back and forth at each other in
> cleverly disguised ways?
> I could certainly go remove the pages myself, but I'm not going to do
> that.  It isn't my place.  I would hope that the authors would agree it
> serves no useful purpose and potentially does more harm than good.
> Can I get an Amen?!? :)
> --
> Frank W. Zammetti
> Founder and Chief Software Architect
> Omnytex Technologies

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