Our application is built on struts frame work.. 
Moving from a previous version of struts (1.0.2) to struts 1.1 we have 
seen that  Session management using URL rewriting is not working properly.
Our  logs shows that the class  RequestProcessor from struts is throwing 
the below error
[4/7/05 15:26:21:449 IST] 00000029 RequestProces E   Invalid path 
;jsessionid=0000YA6Ii38gBdA2u8Nbf7EKc8c:-1 was requested

We tried printing out the request paramters when invoking an applicatiion 
which is using session handling through URL rewriting.

The results: 

using Struts 1.0.2

URL invoked -> 
Pathinfo =<none>

Using Struts 1.1

URL invoked -> 
pathinfo =;jsessionid=0000gE0mwjqt37iqNxCy0s2U015:--1

On further analysis this is what we have found out.
There is no "RequestProcessor.java" in struts 1.0.2 . This class is been 
introduced from struts1.1. Enabling struts trace i could see that struts 
ActionServlet is calling "sendError 400 Invalid path 
;jsessionid=0000gE0mwjqt37IqNxCy0s2UO15:-1 was requested"  when it cannot 
find the path mapping. The reason i think same code is working on v5 and 
not on v6 is there might be a behavior change to "request.getPathInfo()" 
method. What i noticed is in v5, when there is jsessionid in path it is 
getting ignored by getPathInfo but in v6 its returning even jsessionid. 
Ideally, struts code should be handling the case where we have jsessionid 
for the path info.
It looks like struts may  need to trim off path parameters (ones that 
start with ;jsessionid) when checking if pathInfo exists or not. 

Please let us know if this issue has been resolved or will be taken up.
Thanks  for any help regarding this 


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