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The following page has been changed by JoeGermuska:

The comment on the change is:
Brief introduction to CRP, plus mention a few open design ?'s

New page:
Beginning with Struts 1.3.0, the original RequestProcessor class has been 
extended in a way that substantially overhauls the way in which a Struts module 
processes an HTTP Request.  Before this version of Struts, the RequestProcessor 
class implemented a variation of the Template pattern, in that it articulated a 
primary "process" method which called various protected methods in a reliable 
order.  Users who wanted to alter the request processing lifecycle were advised 
to extend RequestProcessor and override one or more of those methods.

This led to a very inflexible environment, where it was very difficult to 
synthesize a request processing chain from library code, because of the 
familiar problems with "single inheritance" in Java.  With the introduction of 
the ComposableRequestProcessor class, every request is handed to a composable 
chain of commands, each of which can perform a small bit of the request 

This is done by overriding the central "process" method, which means that 
earlier RequestProcessor classes which relied on that method's implementation 
to call other methods in a predictable fashion will no longer work.  It should 
be extremely easy to extract that kind of behavior and put it into classes 
implementing the ActionCommand interface, while documenting for users how they 
should modify their chain configurations to insert these new commands in the 
right position in the chain so that any necessary context has been established.

A discussion on StrutsUpgradeNotes12to13 brought up the point that perhaps the 
responsibility for initializing the chains should be based in the 
ComposableRequestProcessor, where currently it is done by the ActionServlet.  
This generally makes sense, but a few things must be considered.  First and 
more trivial, the initialization process relies on some simple resource-loading 
code which is difficult to extract from the ActionServlet.  (Difficult, but 
certainly not impossible.)  More fundamentally, though, the fact that one 
Struts application may have more than one ComposableRequestProcessor must be 
considered.  The current chain initialization process leverages code from 
Commons Chain which populates a "global" (to a ClassLoader) CatalogFactory 
based on static methods.  Multiple overlapping initialization processes might 
cause unexpected effects.  

It would probably be worth revisiting that initialization strategy anyway, 
because it does not cooperate well with a DependencyInjection approach.  
It might be better to have the chain assembled by a mechanism which could also 
inject dependencies like business service objects into various commands.  This 
deserves more consideration.
Other notes on the ComposableRequestProcessor are welcomed!

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