On Wed, August 3, 2005 10:41 am, Joe Germuska said:
> At 10:05 AM -0400 8/3/05, Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
>>Well, at least I was talking about Struts, huh Joe :)
> Hey, I wasn't trying to make a crack or anything --

No Joe, I know, I was just being a wise-guy.  No offense was taken in any
way, shape or form - and if I *was* offended, it'd be *my* problem
because, heck, it's a Wiki, that's how it works! :)

> it was a good
> question and it also reminded me that I feel like the bootstrapping
> of the chains deserves some more design consideration; I tried to lay
> some of that out in
> http://wiki.apache.org/struts/ComposableRequestProcessor  Actually, I
> guess the real "answering" part ended up on that page!

I read the ComposableRequestProcessor entry, it's a good point.

> Joe


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