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The following page has been changed by DonBrown:

  || [ 33132] || 
[upload] org.apache.struts.upload.MultipartRequestWrapper...  || File Upload  
|| Patch Available ||
  || [ 35155] || 
PropertyMessageResources.loadLocale(String localeKey) has...  || Utilities  || 
Patch Available ||
  || [ 35477] || 
TagUtils.getActionMappingURL() does not consider "/*.do" ...  || Custom Tags  
|| (./) Added to FAQ ||
- || [ 35513] || 
multiform validation  || Validator || Confirm  issue ||
+ || [ 35513] || 
multiform validation  || Validator || (./) ||
- || [ 35806] || 
[taglib/validator] quotes not properly escaped in dynamic...  || Validator || 
Patch Available||
+ || [ 35806] || 
[taglib/validator] quotes not properly escaped in dynamic...  || Validator || 
(./) ||
  || [ 35895] || 
Attributes with <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue> in TLD p...  || Custom Tags  
|| Apply as to Tiles attribute ||
  || [ 35931] || [el] 
Example webapp missing || EL || (./) ||
  || [ 35933] || [apps] 
Source code missing from example apps  || Apps || (./) ||

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