Well, the taglibs are more or less feature complete. So any changes are really "extensions" or "nice-to-have".

Also, I think the comments made (in prior discussions) about the taglibs being "no longer supported" is not really accurate...but I won't go there right now ;)

There has been some pretty extensive refactoring over the years of the underlying taglib code to better support extensions like we are proposing, so I don't see why you couldn't go do this yourself on another project, or submit these as extensions.


James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
Consulting / Mentoring / Freelance
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM:   jmitchtx
Yahoo: jmitchtx
Skype: callto://jmitchtx

On Aug 29, 2005, at 11:31 AM, Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

I too think these are some interesting suggestions, especially the form mode thing... you can do some neat tricks with CSS to actually remove the box portion from text fields and such, so you could in fact still have an <input> field there but it would look like plain text, which would allow no other code anywhere to change.

The one comment I would make is more in reply to James... we see relatively frequent questions asked about the status of the Struts taglibs, if they are going to be expanded, etc. In fact, I think this very topic was just brought up this weekend on the dev list. Yet, any time someone proposes changes or additions to the existing taglibs, it is nearly always met with the "let's do this as an extension" answer.

I for one would be very much against any change that alters the current functionality. Backwards compatibility is an important goal in my mind. But, as far as additions go, I'd personally like to see more of an acceptance of doing those sorts of things. There is something to be said for not letting the taglibs get bloated too, but the taglibs really have stagnated (or stabalized I suppose one could say :) ) and suggestions like these I think could open up the floodgates a bit, so to speak.


James Mitchell wrote:

Sounds interesting. Although I think the best approach for this would be to do this in a separate tag, extending/overriding where appropriate. If you have time and would like to donate such an effort, perhaps we could put this into an "extensions" or "sandbox" taglib package.
So something like this...
<struts-ext:javascript page="/script/util.js"/>
("page" used here instead of "src" to be consistent with existing tags)
James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
Consulting / Mentoring / Freelance
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM:   jmitchtx
Yahoo: jmitchtx
Skype: callto://jmitchtx
On Aug 29, 2005, at 11:05 AM, Sudhaker Raj wrote:

1. Do we have need of tags like these?

<html:js src="/script/util.js" />
<html:css src="/css/style.css" />

Currently we are suppose to use html:rewrite tag or some crud method.

<script language="javascript" src="<html:rewrite src="/script/ util.js"

CSS is bit neat because of @import but JS is still making code look nasty.

2. Do we have need of tag attribute like this?

<html:form mode="edit">

<html:form mode="confirm">

<html:form mode="show">

Setting the mode attribute to 'confirm' will convert all form-field
into a hidden field and will replace all editable area with a label
showing current values. Similarly setting mode attribute to 'show'
will simply replace all editable area with a label showing current

The show mode can be very well used for followings

* Same JSP code can be used to show details and edit details.
* Confirm filled values before finally submitting.
* Form can be made read-only or editable based on user's credentials.

This can be further improved to control field level rendering and security.

Sudhaker Raj

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