Is there a target I can run so that it does the build and updates my
"internal repository" with the jar (so other sub-projects can pick it up)?
Is there a way to turn the reports off? Can we stop the tests being run so
many times and (hopefully) bring the build time down dramatically?

maven jar:install

this will put the jar in your repository with the version number in the project.xml file

maven jar:install-snapshot

this will copy the jar to your repository with a timestamped version number, and also create an alias to a file with the "SNAPSHOT" version.

Which you use, of course, depends on how the dependencies are configured in the dependent projects. I believe right now the way our project.xml files are set up, you'd use just "maven jar:install", but I've always been a bit uncomfortable with making an artifact whose version number is the same as another incompatible copy; more a problem if you're working on a team with other people.

I started by trying the build-all target - but that ran for 30 minutes and
failed with an "out of memory" error - so I switch to doing individual
sub-projects - but 5-10 minutes to build 2/3 sub-projects seems way too long
to me.

maven is memory hungry, and maven multiproject much more so. It's probably rare that you actually need to build everything all at once, let alone all the dists.

Am I missing something, or is this everyones experience?

It's been so long since I ran a full dist that I can't recall, but some of what you describe sounds familiar. I don't remember the repeated running of tests, but maybe we've added more reports since last time I did 'site' or 'dist'.


Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction" -The Ex

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