You have a couple options.
Depending on who needs to be to build your project. If it is just
you, then put that jar in your local repository:
C:\Documents and Settings\ppilgrim\.maven\repository\weblogic\jars
If you need other to be able to build it, you should think about
using a remote repository that the people concerned with the project
have access to. You will add multiple locations in your under the key "maven.repo.remote".
James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
Consulting / Mentoring / Freelance
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM: jmitchtx
Yahoo: jmitchtx
Skype: callto://jmitchtx
On Sep 24, 2005, at 5:23 AM, Peter A. Pilgrim wrote:
I am getting into Maven using Struts and the OReilly "A Developer
Notebook" edition.
One thing I am clueless about is how to tell Maven about a build
that is not
in a repository like
How do tell Maven about ``commercial'' dependencies? Have any of
you guys (and gals)
already done this in your professional development lives?
Peter Pilgrim
__ _____ _____ _____
/ //__ // ___// ___/ + Serverside Java
/ /___/ // /__ / /__ + Struts
/ // ___// ___// ___/ + Expresso Committer
__/ // /__ / /__ / /__ + Independent Contractor
/___//____//____//____/ + Intrinsic Motivation
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