
Since heavily quoted email messages can be difficult to read, and easy
to misunderstand, I've taken the liberty of formatting these messages
as wiki pages.


If this is a problem for anyone, I'll take the pages down.


On 10/10/05, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Consolidation is a relatively unknown concept in the crowded web
> framework space.  While most frameworks are open source allowing
> cross-pollination, collaboration is still rare resulting in duplicated
> efforts and confusion for the end user.  Struts Ti, a next-gen project
> in the Struts sandbox, tried to buck the trend by building on WebWork
> rather than wasting its time writing yet another Model2 framework.
> Taking this level of cooperation to the next level, developers from four
> popular web frameworks - Struts, Spring, WebWork, and Beehive, have
> gotten together to discuss the possibility of consolidating their
> efforts into a new project, termed Clarity.  Clarity would be an
> action-based MVC framework that combines the commonality of the four
> aforementioned frameworks into one that can be built upon by all.
> These discussions have just began, and while no one has "officially"
> signed on, I thought I should bring it before the Struts community for
> feedback.  There is still much to work out, but I want to keep the
> community involved from the beginning.
> I personally am excited about this project and think it will be
> beneficial to users and developers alike.   The Struts Classic code base
> is showing its age, but speaking as a developer who maintains old Struts
> apps, few people have the time and budget to rewrite them from scratch
> with a more disparate framework like Shale or Wicket.  I think Clarity
> would be a much easier migration for existing Struts applications and
> developers, yet support key standards like Portlets and JSF.
> Attached is two messages in a private email thread between Patrick
> Lightbody (WebWork), Keith Donald (Spring), Rich Feit (Beehive), and me,
> that started the Clarity discussion.  We plan to have a public email
> list for Clarity discussion, but it hasn't been setup yet.
> What I'm looking for from the Struts community is if you think this is a
> good idea, and if you do, what we need to do to make it work.
> Personally, I don't expect Struts or even Struts Classic going away at
> all even if we agreed Clarity is migration path, so this isn't an
> either/or discussion.
> Again, this is _NOT_ a project announcement meant for the world, only
> the beginning of a discussion about the idea of consolidating a few web
> frameworks and how Struts fits in with this.  Looking forward to the
> comments,
> Don

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