I know this conversation was over a week ago but I finally had some
time to get back to my mailing list backlog... (see inline comments

> How is this different from just encapsulating your setup logic into an
> action method, and then calling it as the first state of the dialog
> explicitly? Besides the readability value of explicit declaration, and the
> simplicity of not having to learn yet another concept to do this kind of
> thing, this would also give you the opportunity to transition differently
> based on outcomes from the setup state.

I suppose we could have

<action name="Import Wizard State" method='#{wizardHelper.importWizardState}">
     <transition outcome="next" target="First Real Step"/>

for every dialog.  It just adds 3 lines of XML for every single
dialog.  Kind of a pain.

> If the logic to set up a dialog was common across multiple dialogs, you
> could easily point at a common method in some utility managed bean, so you
> only had to code the server side setup once.

I believe that is what we are already doing.  See the wizard "helper"
bean in the above example.  Is this what you mean?

Anyways, just bouncing an idea around.  I thought it might be too
application specific.  Perhaps other users will have similar needs and
we can revisit it at that time.

> Craig


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