On 11/14/05, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is pretty nice. It's a pity, though, that it takes you to the elements
> and bypasses all of our comments _before_ the elements, so that you need to
> scroll backwards to get to the comments. Most people probably wouldn't think
> to scroll backwards. ;-(

I noticed that, too, and went to look at the examples.  The DocBook
DTDs have very few comments, so I suspect this just wasn't important
to the author.  I'm planning to send him a thank-you note and point
this out, so maybe he can move the anchor back to the opening comment
(if any) before the element.

> As for adding them to the site, the tool would really need to be hooked into
> the build system, so that changing the DTDs would cause an automatic update
> of these pages too. Not sure how easy that would be, given that it's a Perl
> script.

The DTDs aren't officially part of the generated site-- they're not in
site/xdocs/dtds so they don't get published with the site.  I asked
once about adding them, and the consensus was that since they change
so infrequently, it wasn't important.  It would also mean duplicating
files in the repository.

I agree that keeping them updated is a concern.  I'm willing to keep
an eye on DTD changes, and will document how it's done in the event
that someone else needs/wants to do it. (The script involves wget,
perl livedtd.pl, and scp.  It took all of ten minutes to do this.)

And Google turned up DTDDoc [0] which may be a better option given
that there is an Ant task for it.  I've put that on the list to check
out when time permits.  (Or someone else can take a look and report
back.  It looks like it would require adding javadoc-like tags to the
DTD comments.)

[0] http://dtddoc.sourceforge.net/index.html


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