> The purpose for a release candidate in this case is it's the first time ...
> and we've already caught some packaging errors that need to be cleaned up.
> Shale will follow the (overlapping and not always consistent) guidelines
> posted on the Struts and Jakarta Commons web sites about x.y.z releases --
> including, if needed, the practice of posting a release candidate
> temporarily for the other developers to evaluate for structural or other
> errors.

I agree that release candidates can be helpful with checking packaging
errors (and testing against TCK which is not an issue in this case.)

I'm +1 for getting some kind of "official" release soon.  I think more
users will feel comfortable jumping in once Shale is released.  I
think we should quickly shift our attention to the multiple dialog
issue though because that is a severe limitation that users will
complain about.


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