14 Dec 2005 - Apache Struts introduced Tiles as a integral component of its
Struts 1.1 release in June 2003. Since then, several other projects have
been using Tiles, even though it was embedded in the Struts JAR. Soon, it
will be much easier to use Tiles with products like Jakarta Velocity, Apache
MyFaces, and Struts Shale.

Tiles is a templating framework that can be used to create a common look and
feel for a web site or application and to create reusable view components. A
key aspect of Tiles is that it can be configured from a XML configuration
file. A Tile definition can "extend" another definition, giving the
component an object-oriented feel. Tile developers can create a base Tile
(or screen layout), and then indicate only how other Tiles differ from the
base. Changes made to a base Tile "cascade" to Tiles that extend that base.
Significant changes can be made to the layout of a website just by changing
a single Tile definition.

For more about Tiles, visit the Struts Tiles website [

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