Hey I like the idea of using Jackrabbit for configuration management
but if you do not need version control and security, isn't it a little
bit overkill? I mean why not use commons configuration then? We have
been using it in my corporation to manage environment properties on
the different servers and I have to say it's quite simple. There are
still some issues but I can't see why Jackrabbit would be a better
solution. Seems a bit too heavy for configuration use but I could be

What do you think?

> Hi
> Back and reading mails instead of gift stickers :).
> I am going to dive into this pretty soon. I am currently building a "Property 
> Management System" for our Internet application architecture which you might 
> say is a simpler? form of the discussed configuration control, using 
> Jackrabbit. I plan to take what I learn from this and then try to apply that 
> into a configuration control for Shale/Clay. I'll get back to you when that 
> time comes.
> Hermod
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gary VanMatre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, December 23, 2005 4:15 PM
> To: Struts Developers List
> Subject: RE: [shale] Dialogs and Convention over Configuration
> >
> > Hei
> >
> > If we where to look into a better configuration control, I would suggest 
> > taking
> > a close look at Apache Jackrabbit (JSR-170). This gives among a lot of good
> > things, versioning. You can even run with (Embedded) Derby as a backend, or 
> > just
> > a plain XML structure if you prefer. I have been testing it for the last 
> > couple
> > of weeks as a possible storage for a web application. During this testing, 
> > it
> > struck me that the configuration in Shale/Clay might be a good candidate for
> > this. I guess I would have to rewrite the Configuration handler to read its 
> > data
> > from this new store. One of the nice features in Jackrabbit is the 
> > possibility
> > to have listeners on it, meaning one would be able to reconfigure Shale "on 
> > the
> > fly" so to speak through a GUI quite easily.
> >
> Ya, that would be a great marriage.  I'm not sure what the interface would 
> look like but I
> suspect it would be just snapping in a abstraction of a resource resolver?
> From a web application, how would you specify a label or correct version?  I 
> guess I need
> to take a look at jackrabbit so I can ask better questions.
> If this is an itch you need to scratch, I'll help out in the refactoring.  
> This type of integration
> might give Clay a new facet for not only creating reusable view fragments but
> also providing a interface to manage them within the product life-cycle.
> Gary
> > Hermod
> >
> >
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Alexandre Poitras
Québec, Canada

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