Author: craigmcc
Date: Tue Jan 24 18:23:41 2006
New Revision: 372078

Update the build script for the Shale MailReader Example to one based on the
(new) blank project template.  The application compiles and runs; need to
tweak some stylistic things and write a few unit tests before publishing it.

    struts/shale/trunk/mailreader/   (with props)

Modified: struts/shale/trunk/mailreader/build.xml
--- struts/shale/trunk/mailreader/build.xml (original)
+++ struts/shale/trunk/mailreader/build.xml Tue Jan 24 18:23:41 2006
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- Copyright 2002,2004-2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
+ Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation.
  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-<project name="Shale-Based MailReader Example" default="compile" basedir=".">
+<project name="Shale MailReader Example" default="compile" basedir=".">
   <!-- ===================== Initialize Property Values ==================== 
@@ -27,97 +27,93 @@
   <!-- Initialize property values -->
   <property file=""/>
-  <property file="../"/>
-  <property file="../../"/>
-  <property file="../../../"/>
-  <property file="${user.home}/"/>
-  <!-- Dependency home directory defaults -->
-  <property name="chain.home"       value="/usr/local/commons-chain-1.0"/>
-  <property name="jsf.home"         value="/usr/local/jsf-1_1_01"/>
-  <property name="jstl.home"        
-  <property name="junit.home"       value="/usr/local/junit-3.8.1"/>
-  <property name="server.home"      value="/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28"/>
-  <!-- Dependency library defaults -->
-  <property name="commons-beanutils.jar"
-  <property name="commons-chain.jar"
-  <property name="commons-collections.jar"
-  <property name="commons-digester.jar"
-  <property name="commons-logging.jar"
-  <property name="jsf-api.jar"      value="${jsf.home}/lib/jsf-api.jar"/>
-  <property name="jsf-impl.jar"     value="${jsf.home}/lib/jsf-impl.jar"/>
-  <property name="jsp-api.jar"      
-  <property name="jstl.jar"         value="${jstl.home}/lib/jstl.jar"/>
-  <property name="junit.jar"        value="${junit.home}/junit.jar"/>
-  <property name="mailreader.jar"   
-  <property name="servlet-api.jar"  
-  <property name="shale.jar"        
-  <property name="standard.jar"     value="${jstl.home}/lib/standard.jar"/>
+  <property file=""/>
+  <!-- Search classpath for setting conditional processing flags -->
+  <path id="search.classpath">
+    <fileset                        dir="${lib.dir}"
+                               includes="**/*.jar"/>
+  </path>
   <!-- Conditional Processing Flags -->
-  <available                     property="jsfri.present"
-                                classname="com.sun.faces.RIConstants"
-                                classpath="${jsf-impl.jar}"/>
-  <available                     property="myfaces.present"
-                                classpath="${jsf-impl.jar}"/>
-  <!-- Build Defaults -->
-  <property name="build.home"      value="${basedir}/target"/>
-  <property name="dist.home"       value="${basedir}/dist"/>
-  <property name="context.path"    value="struts-shale-mailreader"/>
-  <property name=""    value="Struts-Shale MailReader"/>
-  <property name="project.package" 
-  <property name="project.version" value="0.1-dev"/>
-  <!-- Compile Defaults -->
-  <property name="compile.debug"           value="true"/>
-  <property name="compile.deprecation"     value="false"/>
-  <property name="compile.optimize"        value="true"/>
+  <available                   property="jsfri.present"
+                              classname="com.sun.faces.RIConstants"
+                           classpathref="search.classpath"/>
+  <available                   property="license.present"
+                                   file="${basedir}/LICENSE.txt"/>
+  <available                   property="myfaces.present"
+                           classpathref="search.classpath"/>
+  <available                   property="notice.present"
+                                   file="${basedir}/NOTICE.txt"/>
+  <condition                   property="spring.present">
+    <and>
+      <available              classname="org.springframework.core.Constants"
+                           classpathref="search.classpath"/>
+      <available              
+                           classpathref="search.classpath"/>
+      <available              
+                           classpathref="search.classpath"/>
+    </and>
+  </condition>
+  <available                   property="tiger.present"
+                              classname=""
+                           classpathref="search.classpath"/>
+  <available                   property="tiles.present"
+                           classpathref="search.classpath"/>
   <!-- Compile Classpath -->
   <path id="compile.classpath">
-    <pathelement location="${commons-beanutils.jar}"/>
-    <pathelement location="${commons-chain.jar}"/>
-    <pathelement location="${commons-collections.jar}"/>
-    <pathelement location="${commons-digester.jar}"/>
-    <pathelement location="${commons-logging.jar}"/>
-    <pathelement location="${jsf-api.jar}"/>
-    <pathelement location="${jsp-api.jar}"/>
-    <pathelement location="${jstl.jar}"/>
-    <pathelement location="${mailreader.jar}"/>
-    <pathelement location="${servlet.jar}"/>
-    <pathelement location="${shale.jar}"/>
-    <pathelement location="${build.home}/${context.path}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
+    <fileset                        dir="${lib.dir}"
+                               includes="**/*.jar">
+      <exclude                     name="junit.jar"/>
+      <exclude                     name="shale-spring.jar"
+                                 unless="spring.present"/>
+      <exclude                     name="shale-tiger.jar"
+                                 unless="tiger.present"/>
+      <exclude                     name="shale-tiles.jar"
+                                 unless="tiles.present"/>
+    </fileset>
+    <fileset                        dir="${ext.dir}"
+                               includes="**/*.jar"/>
+    <fileset                        dir="${shale.dir}/dist"
+                               includes="**/*.jar"
+                               excludes="shale-test.jar"/>
-  <!-- Custom Tomcat Integration -->
-  <taskdef  name="deploy"   classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.DeployTask"/>
-  <taskdef  name="install"  classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.InstallTask"/>
-  <taskdef  name="list"     classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.ListTask"/>
-  <taskdef  name="reload"   classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.ReloadTask"/>
-  <taskdef  name="remove"   classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.RemoveTask"/>
-  <taskdef  name="undeploy" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.UndeployTask"/>
-  <property name="password" value="tomcat"/>
-  <property name="url"      value="http://localhost:8080/manager"/>
-  <property name="username" value="tomcat"/>
+  <!-- Unit Test Classpath -->
+  <path id="test.classpath">
+    <path                         refid="compile.classpath"/>
+    <fileset                        dir="${lib.dir}"
+                               includes="**/junit.jar"/>
+    <fileset                        dir="${ext.dir}"
+                               includes="**/junit.jar"/>
+    <path                      location="${build.web.dir}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
+    <fileset                        dir="${shale.dir}/dist"
+                               includes="shale-test.jar"/>
+    <path                      location="${build.test.dir}"/>
+  </path>
-  <!-- Filter Settings -->
-  <property name="webapp.state.saving" value="server"/>
-  <property name="webapp.url"          
+  <!-- System Integration Test Classpath -->
+  <path id="systest.classpath">
+    <path                         refid="compile.classpath"/>
+    <fileset                        dir="${htmlunit.dir}/lib"
+                               includes="*.jar"/>
+    <fileset                        dir="${lib.dir}"
+                               includes="**/junit.jar"/>
+    <fileset                        dir="${ext.dir}"
+                               includes="**/junit.jar"/>
+    <fileset                        dir="${shale.dir}/dist"
+                               includes="shale-test.jar"/>
+    <pathelement               location="${build.sys.dir}"/>
+    <pathelement               location="${build.web.dir}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
+  </path>
   <!-- ==================== Maintenance Targets ============================ 
@@ -125,141 +121,152 @@
   <target     name="clean"
        description="Clean all build directories">
-    <delete    dir="${build.home}"/>
-    <delete    dir="${dist.home}"/>
+    <delete    dir="${build.dir}"/>
+    <delete    dir="${dist.dir}"/>
   <target     name="init">
     <echo  message="---------- ${} ${project.version} 
-    <filter  token="name"       value="${}"/>
-    <filter  token="package"    value="${project.package}"/>
-    <filter  token="state"      value="${webapp.state.saving}"/>
-    <filter  token="version"    value="${project.version}"/>
-    <echo  message="build.standalone = ${build.standalone}"/>
-    <echo  message="commons-chain.jar =${commons-chain.jar}"/>
-    <echo  message="jsf-api.jar =      ${jsf-api.jar}"/>
-    <echo  message="jsf-impl.jar =     ${jsf-impl.jar}"/>
-    <echo  message="mailreader.jar =   ${mailreader.jar}"/>
-    <echo  message="shale.jar =        ${shale.jar}"/>
+    <filter  token="implVendor"        value="${project.vendor}"/>
+    <filter  token="implVendorId"      value="${}"/>
+    <filter  token="implVersion"       value="${project.version}"/>
+    <filter  token="projectName"       value="${}"/>
+    <filter  token="projectPackage"    value="${project.package}"/>
+    <filter  token="specVendor"        value="${project.spec.vendor}"/>
+    <filter  token="specVersion"       value="${project.spec.version}"/>
+    <filter  token="stateSaving"       value="${webapp.state.saving}"/>
     <echo  message="jsfri.present =    ${jsfri.present}"/>
-    <echo  message="myfaces.present=   ${myfaces.present}"/>
+    <echo  message="myfaces.present =  ${myfaces.present}"/>
+    <echo  message="spring.present =   ${spring.present}"/>
+    <echo  message="tiger.present =    ${tiger.present}"/>
+    <echo  message="tiles.present =    ${tiles.present}"/>
   <target     name="prepare" depends="init">
-    <mkdir     dir="${build.home}"/>
-    <mkdir     dir="${build.home}/${context.path}"/>
-    <mkdir     dir="${build.home}/${context.path}/WEB-INF"/>
-    <mkdir     dir="${build.home}/${context.path}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
-    <mkdir     dir="${build.home}/${context.path}/WEB-INF/lib"/>
-    <mkdir     dir="${dist.home}"/>
-    <mkdir     dir="${dist.home}/docs"/>
-    <mkdir     dir="${dist.home}/docs/api"/>
+    <mkdir     dir="${build.dir}"/>
+    <mkdir     dir="${build.web.dir}"/>
+    <mkdir     dir="${build.web.dir}/META-INF"/>
+    <mkdir     dir="${build.web.dir}/WEB-INF"/>
+    <mkdir     dir="${build.web.dir}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
+    <mkdir     dir="${build.web.dir}/WEB-INF/lib"/>
+    <mkdir     dir="${dist.dir}"/>
+    <mkdir     dir="${dist.dir}/docs"/>
+    <mkdir     dir="${dist.dir}/docs/api"/>
-  <target     name="static" depends="prepare">
+  <target     name="static" depends="prepare,static.license,static.notice">
+    <!-- Copy and filter configuration files -->
+    <copy    todir="${build.dir}/META-INF"
+         filtering="on"
+              file="${src.conf.dir}/MANIFEST.MF"/>
     <!-- Copy static web resources -->
-    <copy    todir="${build.home}/${context.path}"
+    <copy    todir="${build.web.dir}"
-      <fileset dir="src/web"/>
+      <fileset dir="${src.web.dir}"/>
-    <!-- Copy required library JAR files -->
-    <mkdir         dir="${build.home}/${context.path}/WEB-INF/lib"/>
-    <copy        todir="${build.home}/${context.path}/WEB-INF/lib"
-                  file="${commons-beanutils.jar}"/>
-    <copy        todir="${build.home}/${context.path}/WEB-INF/lib"
-                  file="${commons-chain.jar}"/>
-    <copy        todir="${build.home}/${context.path}/WEB-INF/lib"
-                  file="${commons-collections.jar}"/>
-    <copy        todir="${build.home}/${context.path}/WEB-INF/lib"
-                  file="${commons-digester.jar}"/>
-    <copy        todir="${build.home}/${context.path}/WEB-INF/lib"
-                  file="${commons-logging.jar}"/>
-    <copy        todir="${build.home}/${context.path}/WEB-INF/lib"
-                  file="${mailreader.jar}"/>
-    <copy        todir="${build.home}/${context.path}/WEB-INF/lib"
-                  file="${shale.jar}"/>
-  </target>
+    <!-- Copy libraries from "lib.dir" directory -->
+    <copy    todir="${build.web.dir}/WEB-INF/lib"
+           flatten="true">
+      <fileset dir="${lib.dir}"
+          includes="**/*.jar">
+        <exclude name="**/commons-codec.jar"
+               unless="myfaces.present"/>
+        <exclude name="**/commons-el.jar"
+               unless="myfaces.present"/>
+        <exclude name="**/commons-fileupload.jar"
+               unless="myfaces.present"/>
+        <exclude name="**/jsf-api.jar"
+                   if="myfaces.present"/>
+        <exclude name="**/jsf-impl.jar"
+                   if="myfaces.present"/>
+        <exclude name="**/junit.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="**/jsp-api.jar"/>
+        <!-- Comment out following line if using MyFaces components -->
+        <exclude name="**/myfaces-extensions.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="**/portlet-api.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="**/servlet-api.jar"/>
+        <!-- Comment out the following lines for Spring components you need -->
+        <exclude name="**/spring.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="**/spring-aop.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="**/spring-dao.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="**/spring-hibernate.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="**/spring-jdbc.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="**/spring-mock.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="**/spring-orm.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="**/spring-remoting.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="**/spring-support.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="**/spring-webmvc.jar"/>
+<!--        <exclude name="**/struts-mailreader-dao.jar"/> -->
+        <exclude name="**/spring*.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="**/taglibrarydoc.jar"/>
+      </fileset>
+    </copy>
-  <target name="static.jsfri" depends="static"
-            if="jsfri.present">
+    <!-- Copy libraries from Shale release -->
+    <copy    todir="${build.web.dir}/WEB-INF/lib"
+           flatten="true">
+      <fileset dir="${shale.dir}/dist"
+          includes="**/*.jar">
+        <exclude name="shale-spring.jar"
+               unless="spring.present"/>
+        <exclude name="shale-test.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="shale-tiger.jar"
+               unless="tiger.present"/>
+        <exclude name="shale-tiles.jar"
+               unless="tiles.present"/>
+        <exclude name="shale-clay.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="shale-spring.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="shale-tiles.jar"/>
+        <exclude name="tiles-core.jar"/>
+      </fileset>
+    </copy>
-    <replace        dir="${build.home}/${context.path}/WEB-INF"
-                  token="MYFACES_BEGIN"
-                  value="&lt;!-- MyFaces Listener"/>
-    <replace        dir="${build.home}/${context.path}/WEB-INF"
-                  token="MYFACES_END"
-                  value="--&gt;"/>
-  <target name="static.myfaces" depends="static.jsfri"
-            if="myfaces.present">
-    <replace        dir="${build.home}/${context.path}/WEB-INF"
-                  token="MYFACES_BEGIN"
-                  value="&lt;!-- MyFaces Listener --&gt;"/>
-    <replace        dir="${build.home}/${context.path}/WEB-INF"
-                  token="MYFACES_END"
-                  value=""/>
+  <target     name="static.license" if="license.present">
+    <copy    todir="${build.web.dir}/META-INF"
+              file="${basedir}/LICENSE.txt"/>
-  <target name="libraries" depends="static.myfaces"
-            if="build.standalone">
-    <!-- Copy libraries required for standalone use only -->
-    <copy        todir="${build.home}/${context.path}/WEB-INF/lib"
-                  file="${jsf-api.jar}"/>
-    <copy        todir="${build.home}/${context.path}/WEB-INF/lib"
-                  file="${jsf-impl.jar}"/>
-    <copy        todir="${build.home}/${context.path}/WEB-INF/lib"
-                  file="${jstl.jar}"/>
-    <copy        todir="${build.home}/${context.path}/WEB-INF/lib"
-                  file="${standard.jar}"/>
-  </target>
-  <target name="libraries.myfaces" depends="libraries"
-            if="myfaces.present">
-    <!-- Copy additional libraries required by MyFaces implementation -->
-    <copy        todir="${build.home}/${context.path}/WEB-INF/lib"
-                  file="${jsf.home}/lib/commons-codec-1.2.jar"/>
-    <copy        todir="${build.home}/${context.path}/WEB-INF/lib"
-                  file="${jsf.home}/lib/commons-el.jar"/>
+  <target     name="static.notice" if="notice.present">
+    <copy    todir="${build.web.dir}/META-INF"
+              file="${basedir}/NOTICE.txt"/>
   <!-- ================= Compile Application Components ==================== 
-  <target         name="compile" depends="libraries.myfaces"
+  <target         name="compile" depends="static"
            description="Compile application components">
     <!-- Compile Java Sources -->
-    <javac      srcdir="src/java"
-               destdir="${build.home}/${context.path}/WEB-INF/classes"
+    <javac      srcdir="${}"
+               destdir="${build.web.dir}/WEB-INF/classes"
-              optimize="${compile.optimize}">
+              optimize="${compile.optimize}"
+                source="${project.source}"
+                target="${}">
       <classpath refid="compile.classpath" />
     <!-- Copy non-Java Sources -->
-    <copy        todir="${build.home}/${context.path}/WEB-INF/classes">
-      <fileset     dir="src/java">
+    <copy        todir="${build.web.dir}/WEB-INF/classes">
+      <fileset     dir="${}">
         <exclude  name="**/*.java"/>
+        <exclude  name="**/overview.html"/>
+        <exclude  name="**/package.html"/>
@@ -269,91 +276,231 @@
   <!-- ===================== Generate Documentation ======================== 
-  <target         name="docs" depends="compile"
+  <target         name="javadocs" depends="compile"
            description="Create JavaDocs">
+    <mkdir         dir="${}"/>
-            sourcepath="src/java"
-               destdir="${dist.home}/docs/api"
+            sourcepath="${}"
+               destdir="${}"
-                source="${javadoc.source}"
-          packagenames="org.apache.shale.*"
+                source="${project.source}"
+          packagenames="${project.package}.*"
            windowtitle="${} (Version ${project.version})"
               doctitle="${} (Version ${project.version})"
-                bottom="Copyright &#169; 2003-2005 - The Apache Software 
+                bottom="${project.copyright}">
       <classpath refid="compile.classpath"/>
+    <copy        todir="${}">
+      <fileset     dir="${}"
+              includes="**/*.gif"/>
+    </copy>
   <!-- ==================== Create Binary Distribution ===================== 
-  <target name="dist" depends="docs"
+  <target name="dist" depends="javadocs"
    description="Create binary distribution">
-    <mkdir     dir="${dist.home}"/>
-    <copy    todir="${dist.home}">
-      <fileset dir="${basedir}" includes="*.txt build.*"
+    <mkdir     dir="${dist.dir}"/>
+    <!-- Copy license and configuration files -->
+    <copy    todir="${dist.dir}">
+      <fileset dir="${basedir}" includes="*.txt build.*"
-    <jar   jarfile="${dist.home}/${context.path}.war"
-           basedir="${build.home}/${context.path}"/>
+    <!-- Create a runnable web application archive -->
+    <jar   jarfile="${dist.dir}/${project.path}-${project.version}.war"
+           basedir="${build.web.dir}"
+          manifest="${build.dir}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"/>
+    <!-- Optional:  Copy the source directories -->
+    <mkdir     dir="${dist.dir}/src"/>
+    <copy    todir="${dist.dir}/src">
+      <fileset dir="src" excludes="**/.svn/** **/CVS/**"/>
+    </copy>
-    <mkdir     dir="${dist.home}/src"/>
-    <copy    todir="${dist.home}/src">
-      <fileset dir="src" excludes="**/.svn/**"/>
+    <!-- Optional:  Create an IDE-friendly zip of the Java sources -->
+    <zip    zipfile="${dist.dir}/${project.path}-${project.version}"
+            basedir="${}"/>
+    <!-- Optional:  Copy unpacked javadocs -->
+    <mkdir      dir="${dist.dir}/docs"/>
+    <mkdir      dir="${dist.dir}/docs/api"/>
+    <copy     todir="${dist.dir}/docs/api">
+      <fileset  dir="${}"/>
+    <!-- Optional:  Create an IDE-friendly zip of the Javadocs -->
+    <zip    zipfile="${dist.dir}/${project.path}-${project.version}"
+            basedir="${}"/>
   <!-- ===================== Tomcat Integration ============================ 
-  <target name="deploy" depends="compile"
-   description="Deploy webapp on Tomcat">
-    <install url="${url}" username="${username}" password="${password}"
-            path="/${context.path}"
-             war="file://${build.home}/${context.path}"/>
+  <path id="catalina.classpath">
+    <path                      
+  </path>
+  <target    name="install" depends="compile"
+      description="Install webapp on Tomcat">
+    <taskdef name="install"
+        classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.InstallTask"
+     classpathref="catalina.classpath"/>
+    <install  url="${catalina.manager}"
+         username="${catalina.username}"
+         password="${catalina.password}"
+             path="/${project.path}"
+              war="file://${build.web.dir}"/>
-  <target name="install" depends="compile"
-   description="Install webapp on Tomcat">
-    <install url="${url}" username="${username}" password="${password}"
-            path="/${context.path}"
-             war="file://${build.home}/${context.path}"/>
+  <target    name="list"
+      description="List installed webapps on Tomcat">
+    <taskdef name="list"
+        classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.ListTask"
+     classpathref="catalina.classpath"/>
+    <list     url="${catalina.manager}"
+         username="${catalina.username}"
+         password="${catalina.password}"/>
-  <target name="list" description="List installed webapps on Tomcat">
-    <list url="${url}" username="${username}" password="${password}"/>
+  <target    name="reload" depends="compile"
+      description="Reload webapp on Tomcat">
+    <taskdef name="reload"
+        classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.ReloadTask"
+     classpathref="catalina.classpath"/>
+    <reload   url="${catalina.manager}"
+         username="${catalina.username}"
+         password="${catalina.password}"
+             path="/${project.path}"/>
-  <target name="reload" depends="compile"
-   description="Reload webapp on Tomcat">
-    <reload url="${url}" username="${username}" password="${password}"
-            path="/${context.path}"/>
+  <target    name="remove"
+      description="Remove webapp from Tomcat">
+    <taskdef name="remove"
+        classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.RemoveTask"
+     classpathref="catalina.classpath"/>
+    <remove   url="${catalina.manager}"
+         username="${catalina.username}"
+         password="${catalina.password}"
+             path="/${project.path}"/>
-  <target name="remove"
-   description="Remove webapp from Tomcat">
-    <remove url="${url}" username="${username}" password="${password}"
-            path="/${context.path}"/>
+  <!-- ========================== Unit Tests =============================== 
+  <target         name="test.compile" depends="compile">
+    <mkdir         dir="${build.test.dir}"/>
+    <!-- Compile Java Sources -->
+    <javac      srcdir="${src.test.dir}"
+               destdir="${build.test.dir}"
+                 debug="${compile.debug}"
+           deprecation="${compile.deprecation}"
+              optimize="${compile.optimize}"
+                source="${project.source}"
+                target="${}">
+      <classpath refid="test.classpath" />
+    </javac>
+    <!-- Copy non-Java Sources -->
+    <copy        todir="${build.test.dir}">
+      <fileset     dir="${src.test.dir}">
+        <exclude  name="**/*.java"/>
+      </fileset>
+    </copy>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test" depends="test.compile"
+   description="Execute unit tests">
+    <mkdir          dir="${build.dir}/test-results"/>
+    <echo       message="Running unit tests ..."/>
+    <junit printSummary="no" fork="yes"
+          haltonfailure="yes" haltonerror="yes">
+      <classpath  refid="test.classpath"/>
+      <formatter   type="plain"
+                usefile="false"/>
+      <formatter   type="xml"
+                usefile="true"/>
+      <batchtest todir="${build.dir}/test-results">
+        <fileset    dir="${build.test.dir}"
+               includes="**/*TestCase.class"/>
+      </batchtest>
+    </junit>
+  </target>
+  <!-- =============== System Integration Tests ============================ 
+  <target         name="systest.compile">
+    <mkdir         dir="${build.sys.dir}"/>
+    <!-- Compile Java Sources -->
+    <javac      srcdir="${src.sys.dir}"
+               destdir="${build.sys.dir}"
+                 debug="${compile.debug}"
+           deprecation="${compile.deprecation}"
+              optimize="${compile.optimize}"
+                source="${project.source}"
+                target="${}">
+      <classpath refid="systest.classpath" />
+    </javac>
+    <!-- Copy non-Java Sources -->
+    <copy        todir="${build.sys.dir}">
+      <fileset     dir="${src.sys.dir}">
+        <exclude  name="**/*.java"/>
+      </fileset>
+    </copy>
-  <target name="undeploy"
-   description="Undeploy webapp from Tomcat">
-    <remove url="${url}" username="${username}" password="${password}"
-            path="/${context.path}"/>
+  <target name="systest" depends="systest.compile"
+   description="Execute system integration tests">
+    <junit         fork="yes"
+           printSummary="yes"
+            haltonerror="yes"
+          haltonfailure="yes">
+      <classpath  refid="systest.classpath"/>
+      <formatter   type="plain"
+                usefile="false"/>
+      <sysproperty  key="url"
+                  value="${htmlunit.url}"/>
+      <batchtest>
+        <fileset    dir="${build.sys.dir}"
+               includes="**/*TestCase.class"/>
+      </batchtest>
+    </junit>

Added: struts/shale/trunk/mailreader/
--- struts/shale/trunk/mailreader/ (added)
+++ struts/shale/trunk/mailreader/ Tue Jan 24 18:23:41 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# $Id$
+# Default Configuration Properties
+# These properties define default values for your application.  You can
+# override them by supplying a "" file in the top level
+# directory of your project, containing only the property values you wish
+# to override.
+# Project Description Information
+# Project copyright notice (for Javadoc generation)
+project.copyright=Copyright &#169; 2006 - The Apache Software Foundation
+# Project name (should match <project name="xxx"> setting in build.xml) MailReader Example
+# Base package name for Java classes in this project (affects Javadoc 
+# and is included in manifest files)
+# Context path for the generated application (will be included in the
+# target directory
+# Source JDK platform to compile for
+# Specification vendor (will be placed in manifest files)
+project.spec.vendor=The Apache Sofware Foundation
+# Specification version number (will be placed in manifest files)
+# Target JK platform to compile to
+# Implementation vendor (will be placed in manifest files)
+project.vendor=The Apache Software Foundation
+# Implementation vendor id (will be placed in manifest files).  Should be the
+# top level package name for classes produced by your organization
+# Implementation version (will be placed in manifest files)
+# Compilation Options
+# Should compiler generate line numbers for debugging (true or false)
+# Should compiler generate detailed warnings for using deprecated APIs (true 
or false)
+# Should compiler optimize the generated code (true or false)
+# Web Application Configuration
+# Setting for the JavaServer Faces state saving option (client or server)
+# Project Directory Structure
+# Source Directory Structure Definitions
+# Target Directory Structure Definitions
+# Library directory containing libraries that will be copied into the
+# web application.  It is legal for the JAR files to be nested inside
+# this directory.
+# Library directory containing libraries that will be added to the
+# compilation classpath, but will not be eopied into the web application
+# (presumably because they will be provided by the container already).
+# It is legal for the JAR riles to be nested inside this directory.
+# Directory containing your Shale binary distribution
+# (Optional) Tomcat Integration
+# The full pathname to the Tomcat instalation you will be using
+# The full URL to the manager application you will be using
+# The username of a Tomcat user that has the "manager" role
+# The password of a Tomcat user that has the "manager" role
+# (Optional) System Integration Test Packages
+# The full pathname to the HtmlUnit (version 1.6 or later) binary distribution
+# from
+# the full URL to the application to be tested

Propchange: struts/shale/trunk/mailreader/
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: struts/shale/trunk/mailreader/
    svn:keywords = Date Author Id Revision HeadURL

Added: struts/shale/trunk/mailreader/src/conf/MANIFEST.MF
--- struts/shale/trunk/mailreader/src/conf/MANIFEST.MF (added)
+++ struts/shale/trunk/mailreader/src/conf/MANIFEST.MF Tue Jan 24 18:23:41 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Extension-Name: @projectPackage@
+Specification-Vendor: @specVendor@
+Specification-Version: @specVersion@
+Implementation-Vendor-Id: @implVendorId@
+Implementation-Vendor: @implVendor@
+Implementation-Version: @implVersion@

 Tue Jan 24 18:23:41 2006
@@ -144,8 +144,7 @@
      * <p>Initialize and load our initial database from persistent storage.</p>
-     * @param servlet The ActionServlet for this web application
-     * @param config The ApplicationConfig for our owning module
+     * @param event The context initialization event
      * @exception ServletException if we cannot configure ourselves correctly

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