On 1/26/06, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/24/06, Laurie Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > - add a Cancelable interface which an Action must implement to get
> > cancel processing; ignore the cancel param if the interface isn't
> > implemented
> I'd lean toward the interface approach, since that's the sort of thing
> that WW2/Action2 does/will do. Duty now for the future!

I thought that change was proposed for Struts 1.x

> * Add an optional "Cancellable" marker interface for Actions.
> * When cancel signal is present, a RP command checks for the interface
> and throws an exception if Cancellable is not implemented.
> * For Action 1.3, add a Controller attribute "ObserveCancellable" with
> the default value FALSE, that the RP command would check before
> throwing an Exception. (Instead, it might just log a DEBUG-level
> warning.)
>   ** To enable the interface, a developer can set the Controller
> attribute to TRUE. Otherwise, we break backward compatiblity, and we
> would need to increment the major version number.

The problem is not in the Cancel button, the problem is
autopopulation. I don't see how Cancel event differs from other events
and don't see the point to make a separate use case out of it.
Instead, make population explicit, this works especially well with
dispatch actions. In this case it would not matter cancel or not,
because I can choose whether to populate form or not explicitly. One
line of code in my event handler is not a big deal but it makes things
much simpler.

Why having a bad solution and then trying to counter-balance it with
interfaces and such, if we can remove the bad solution
(auto-population) altogether?

Maybe we can have both: no autopopulation and cancel mapping/iterface
for legacy apps.


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