On 1/27/06, Nicolas De Loof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Can I ask why you want this? You may be interested in a recent changeI made 
> >to Commons Validator - it now creates a copy of all the staticscripts in one 
> >file and also a "compressed" version of the same.Should be available when 
> >Validator 1.2.1 is released.
> >
> >
> Can you explain me this new functionality ?

Just all the static javascript in a single .js file - either in
compressed or uncompressed format. The aim is to provide a file that
can be cached by the browser.

> I want to put validator javascript in a browser-cacheable file, but
> don't want a static .js file, so that any change in validator is applied.

For the static scripts they will only change with new versions of validator.

> I've set a JSP for this /script/validator.jsp :
> <%@ page contentType="text/javascript" session="false" %>
> <% response.setHeader("Cache-Control","post-check=900,pre-check=3600");%>
> <%@ taglib prefix="html" uri="http://struts.apache.org/tags-html"; %>
> <html:javascript
>    cdata="false"
>    htmlComment="false"
>    dynamicJavascript="false"
>    staticJavascript="true"/>
> Using this, Ive both cached JS file and validator generated javascript
> methods.

I must be mis-understaning something somewhere - this looks like your
using this to cache on the server side only - including the above in
your page - rather than on the browser side?


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