Why not let everything be pluggable, the way it is in WebWork/Action2 ?

In Action 1.3, we introduced using a Chain of Responsiblity to
construct the Request Processor. Now anyone can construct any type of
request processing cycle they like, just by plugging in different
commands. The chain we have now needs work, but the concept is sound.

Proof that the concept is sound is the way WebWork uses Interceptors.
Here, we have what amounts to a Chain, but it is configurable not only
for the application, but for each individual Action.

If we want the Struts Action 1.x codebase to be more configurable than
it already is, my suggestion would be follow WebWork's lead, and
expose the Request Processing chain though every Action. And,
configure it all from a unified Struts Configuration, just as WebWork

What's needed for the default configuration could ship in the regular
distribution, and popular alternatives could be available through the
Extras package.

One thing I've been meaing to do is move the ValidatorActionForm and
DynaValidatorActionForm to the Extras package, so that they stop
confusing people.

If there's interest in an Action 1.4, we could also finally make
Action and ActionForms an interface, since I think the arguments
against those interfaces have long since run out of steam.


On 1/29/06, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's an idea. It is probably an enhancement that could work for 1.3.1+ or 
> 1.4 and I'd like to hear other people's thoughts:
>   I would like to open up form validation to different kind of validating  
> strategies. For instance, right now there are two strategies: one  validates 
> off form names, another off the action. What if there wanted  to be a third? 
> I initially thought of this proposal as an incremental  enhancement:
>   http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=38375
>   But I think there is always a bigger approach which I am shooting for.  
> Today, I wanted to create a subclass of ValidatorActionForm which would  
> contain some data points I wanted to share. But then I noticed some of  my 
> forms are also ValidatorForm. There's a heirarchy here just for  choosing 
> keys.
>   I recommend this:
>   We allow an ActionForm to contain pluggable validation strategies.  These 
> could then validate off the key, the URI, or any other custom  strategy that 
> can be plugged in. Perhaps the strategy validates using  Spring validation 
> instead. This could really open up some possibilities.
>   In conclusion, there would be no strict need to have a special  subclasses 
> of ActionForm only for validation. We could then promote the  use of 
> ActionForm with pluggable strategies. But for convienence, the  ValidatorForm 
> and ValidatorActionForm would continue sticking around  with the appropriate 
> strategy already set.
>   What do you think?
>   Paul

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