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The following page has been changed by MichaelJouravlev:

  == Setup/submit pattern ==
- In general, an interactive web application can operate in two phases. On 
input phase (or accept phase) a browser sends user input to a web resource, 
usually by submitting an HTML form. On output phase (or render phase) web 
resource displays a view matching its state.
+ An interactive web application can operate in two phases. On ''render phase'' 
(or output phase) browser requests a web resource from the server, and web 
resource displays a page matching its state. On ''accept phase'' (or submit 
phase) browser sends user input to a web resource, usually by submitting an 
HTML form. 
- Struts exploits this idea using two types of actions: 
+ Struts exploits this idea utilizing ''setup/submit pattern'' and two types of 
-  * setup action (pre-action, output action, render action) is used to prepare 
output data before displaying a JSP page;
+  * ''setup action'' (pre-action, output action, render action) is used to 
prepare output data before displaying a JSP page;
-  * submit action (post-action, input action, accept action) is used to accept 
user input.
+  * ''submit action'' (post-action, input action, accept action) is used to 
accept user input.
  Setup/submit action pattern is a standard practice for building interactive 
application with Struts.
- It is common to have several actions of either type for a web resource. For 
example, if you deal with Customer resource, you are likely to define two setup 
actions: and and three submit actions:, and 
+ It is common to have several actions of either type for a web resource. For 
example, if you deal with {{{Customer}}} web resource, you are likely to define 
two setup actions: {{{}}} and {{{}}} and three 
submit actions: {{{}}}, {{{}}} and 
- Setup actions load data from database and queue it into one or more arbitrary 
objects located in the request or session scope. Submit actions process input 
data and redisplay the same data entry form if errors has been found in the 
input. If input does not contain errors, submit actions accept it and forward 
to a success page. Success page often corresponds to a logically different web 
+ inline:setup_submit_01.gif
- This approach has its issues, though:
+ Setup action loads data from database and queue it into one or more arbitrary 
objects located in the request or session scope. Submit action processes input 
data and redisplays the same data entry form if errors has been found in the 
input. If input does not contain errors, submit action accepts it and forwards 
to a success page. 
+ This approach is far from perfect:
+  * classic setup/submit pattern is focused on a JSP page, not on a web 
resource in general.
+  * Every page of a web resource is likely to have its own pair of setup and 
submit actions.
-  * One web resource is defined with several action mappings in the 
struts-config.xml file as well as with several Java classes.
+  * One web resource is defined with several action mappings in the 
{{{struts-config.xml}}} file as well as with several Java classes.
-  * Output data is scattered in an uncontrolled manner throughout request and 
session scope
+  * Output data is scattered in an uncontrolled manner throughout request and 
session scope.
   * In case of error the data entry form is redisplayed by a submit action; 
that opens a whole can of worms:
-   * If input data is invalid and autovalidation is turned on, submit action 
is never get called and cannot affect the workflow.
+   * If input data is invalid and autovalidation is turned on, a submit action 
class is never get called and cannot affect the workflow.
    * One page is represented with two different URLs in the browser.
-   * An attempt to refresh a page after it has been submitted and then 
redisplayed, causes double submit.
+   * An attempt to refresh a page after it has been redisplayed causes double 
-  * Submit action that forwards to a success page corresponding to another web 
resource leads to a spaghetti code both in Java code as well as in 
struts-config.xml file.
+  * Success page often corresponds to a logically different web resource, this 
leads to a spaghetti code both in Java code as well as in 
{{{struts-config.xml}}} file.
- The remainder of this page shows how to improve classic Setup/Submit pattern 
step by step.
+ The remainder of this page shows the ways to improve classic Setup/Submit 
  == Step 1: Share one ActionForm as input/output buffer ==
@@ -43, +47 @@

   * When HTML form is submitted, the !ActionForm is populated automatically by 
Struts with values from the request.
   * If input is invalid, data entry form is redisplayed; it will have 
contained data submitted by a user on a previous step.
- Therefore, instead of queueing output data to arbitrary objects in request or 
session scope, a setup action has to use an !ActionForm as the holder of 
input/output data. Mappings of both setup action and submit action should refer 
to the same !ActionForm in their "name" attribute.
+ Therefore, instead of queueing output data to arbitrary objects in request or 
session scope, a setup action has to use an !ActionForm as the holder of 
input/output data. Mappings of both setup action and submit action would refer 
to the same !ActionForm in their "name" attribute.
+ inline:setup_submit_02.gif
  Shared !ActionForm makes it easy to preserve incremental changes made by a 
user in a data entry form.
  == Step 2: Do not forward to a page that does not belong to current web 
resource ==
- A submit action should not forward to a success page belonging to another 
logical web resource. Instead, it should forward (or even better, redirect) to 
a setup action of the success page. This allows to break a convoluted M:M 
relationship between actions and pages down to simple and observable 1:M 
relationship. That is, several pages should correspond to one web resource. Not 
vice versa!
+ A submit action should not forward to a success page belonging to another 
logical web resource. Instead, it should forward (or even better, redirect) to 
a setup action of the success page. This allows to break a convoluted M:M 
relationship between actions and pages down to simple and observable 1:M 
relationship. That is, several pages should correspond to one web resource, not 
the opposite!
- Another benefit of transferring to a setup action is that now you don't care 
about what will be displayed on success page. You do not have to select a 
proper page and you do not need to setup output data for that page. This is the 
business of the web resource you are transferring to, this is what its setup 
action should do.
+ Another benefit of transferring to an action instead of a page is that you 
don't need to care about what will be displayed on success page. You do not 
have to select a proper page and you do not need to setup output data for that 
page. This is the business of the web resource you are transferring to, this is 
what its setup action should do.
- With this simple change an application can now be broken into separate 
independent chunks. There is no need to build inflexible "flow" from one page 
to another. Proper page is selected and displayed by its respective setup 
+ With this simple change an application can be broken into separate 
independent chunks. There is no need to build inflexible "flow" from one page 
to another. Proper page is selected and displayed by its respective setup 
  == Step 3: Do not use autovalidation ==
  Turn autovalidation off and perform validation manually. This ensures your 
full control over input data and over the workflow. With autovalidation turned 
off your action class will always be called, so you can make a better decision 
what to do in case of error, whether you want to redisplay the same data entry 
form, shoud you transfer the control to another web resource or maybe you need 
to modify your business object instead.
+ inline:setup_submit_03.gif
+ == Step 4: Reload setup action to redisplay a page ==
  Autovalidation is used together with "input" attribute of action mapping in 
struts-config.xml file. If !ActionForm.valiadate returns non-empty error object 
during autovalidation, Struts forwards to location defined in the "input" 
attribute. Usually, it is the same data entry form that was just submitted. 
Therefore, the same form can be represented in the browser with two different 
URLs: one URL when it is rendered by a setup action, and another URL when it is 
redisplayed by a submit action. In most cases the browser is forwarded to the 
page, not redirected, so an attempt to refresh a page after it has been 
redisplayed causes double submit. 
  These are techniques worth considering when you need to redisplay data entry 
   * Forward to data entry page from submit action, use Struts token feature to 
catch the resubmit. This approach does not protect a user from an unfriendly 
POSTDATA message and it does not help with two URLs situation. Use this 
approach if your !ActionForm is request-scoped and you want to reuse data 
entered by a user.
+  * Forward to a setup action (not directly to a page) to better separate your 
input and output code. This approach ensures that each of your action classes 
perfoms only the tasks in is intended to perform: submit action should not 
render a page.
   * Redirect to a setup action (not directly to a page) appending a business 
object ID and another relevant information to the target URL. This approach 
eliminates resubmit on page refresh, and it solves dual URLs issue. Use this 
option if you want to provide the better and cleaner user experience but you 
don't want to use session-scoped !ActionForms. Your setup action must be able 
to initialize the !ActionForm using ID and another request parameters that you 
have sent in redirected request. If your data entry form is quite large, 
sending all information in a redirected request may not be feasible.
   * Redirect to a setup action (not directly to a page), keeping data entered 
by a user in a session-scoped !ActionForm. This approach is user-friendly, it  
eliminates resubmit on page refresh, solves dual URLs issue and provides a 
clean redirected URL. The only downside of it is keeping !ActionForm in the 
session between requests; this may not be desirable for some applications.
+ These techniques (except the first one) can be commonly called as ''action 
reloading'', because a page is redisplayed using the same approach, as for 
initial display. Using redirection instead of forwarding protects from implicit 
double submit and hides the submit URL from the browser and from the user. This 
way a page is visible and accessible only from one URL, the setup (render) URL.
+ inline:setup_submit_04.gif
- == Step 4: initialise ActionForm manually in setup action ==
+ == Step 5: Initialize ActionForm manually in setup action ==
  !ActionForm should be populated only on submit phase. To protect !ActionForm 
from unintended modification by setup action, do not set "name" attribute in 
setup action mapping. This will prevent Struts from instantiating and 
populating the !ActionForm. To setup !ActionForm data you need to instantiate 
it yourself and to put in into appropriate scope, either into request or into 
session. You will also have to refer to the !ActionForm explicitly using "name" 
attribute of your input elements.
- == Step 5: consolidate your actions; use one of the DispatchAction flavors ==
+ == Step 6: Consolidate your actions; use DispatchAction flavor for submit 
action ==
  A simple web resource like Customer can have couple of setup action mappings 
like and and several submit action mappings 
like, and  Of course, this 
does not mean that you need to define five corresponding Java classes. It would 
be great if you could reduce number of action classes down to two: one setup 
action and one submit action per web resource. It would be also great to reduce 
number of action mappings in struts-config.xml file.
@@ -83, +98 @@

  Therefore I recommend using !ParameterMappingDispatchAction as your entry 
point to a web resource. You would define all event handlers in the "parameter" 
attrubute of action mapping, including default method name. Then, on the data 
entry form, you would set "name" attributes of various submit buttons to 
corresponding event name, like "edit", "view" or "delete".
- == Step 6: Reduce number of actions down to one ==
+ == Step 7: Reduce number of actions down to one ==
  !ParameterMappingDispatchAction mentioned in the previous section, is pretty 
smart. It can detect the logical type of request that it receives: is it a 
render request or submit request. It does this by looking for event in the 
@@ -91, +106 @@

  If !ParameterMappingDispatchAction cannot find event in the request, it calls 
default method. This is a render phase, so you can prepare the !ActionForm and 
render a page.
+ inline:setup_submit_05.gif
  As you can see from the picture, the whole web resource is now controlled 
with only one action class and has only one URL. Neat! A web resource can have 
several JSP pages corresponding to it, so you can choose a proper one depending 
on the incoming event and on the state of the resource. For example, if you 
create a login component, you may decide to have two pages: Login and Logout, 
and you can display either one depending on user login status.
  Remember, the primary object in a web application is a web resource, not a 
page. A page is just a view; one web resource can have several views. Do not 
build application around pages, build it around web resources. In Struts, web 
resources are represented with Action and !ActionForm classes.

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