On 3/17/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   1. We have an official Incubator status page at 
> http://incubator.apache.org/projects/webwork2.html

For future reference, there is also a link to this on the Apache
Struts home page, under "Incubating ... "

And, hey, good work so far, Don :)

> The WebWork 2 team has been working hard this entire time

I can testify to that. One day I asked if it would be a good idea to
use a WebWork Result to display the sourcecode in an application
cookbook. The next day, Toby Jee had it written, tested, and checked

> 3. Example applications - Ted has been working hard on migrating popular 
> Action 1
> applications such as the Mailreader and the iBATIS JPetstore application over 
> to Action
> 2.  This will provide developers an example of Action 2 best
> practices and a practical example to help them migrate their Action 1 
> knowledge.

Yes, there is already a starter Cookbook checked into the sandbox, and
I'm starting on the MailReader this afternoon. I've time set aside to
work on the applications every week day now.


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