On 3/27/06, Rainer Hermanns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ted,
> thanks for clearifying this...
> Just removed the hibernate dep from ivy/pom. Hibernate was not used
> within the codebase, only in the docs.


> Do the docs need to be cleared as well from those deps (just the written
> docs, not code samples)?

If you mean mentioning the dependency in the documentation, no. It's
something we would have to do before a release. But it's not something
we need to do to clear the incubator.

We can *use* LGPL software to do our own work. The problem is we can't
*distribute* LGPL software, because the terms conflict with the more
liberal Apache License.


> Has anyone yet talked to the JasperReports guy?
> This would be a dependency really hard to replace...

This isn't our favorite option, but that could also be something that
was offered as an extension through SourceForge or Open Symphony. It
would not be maintained by the Apache Struts Project, though the same
indivduals might be involved.

Sometimes, it's also possible to provide a bridge API that would let
people use an extension like JasperReports if they downloaded the JAR
themselves. The bridge API would let us compile our code without
having the actual LPGL jar available. Again, this not something we
like to do, but it can be done if necessary.

I'll add JasperReports to the list.


> cheers,
> Rainer

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