Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Struts Wiki" for change 

The following page has been changed by WendySmoak:

   * Create a custom deployment plugin to handle promoting our test builds from to
   * Finish converting the xdocs to src/site/site.xml and src/site/xdoc, figure 
out how the Struts Action site will be arranged and put redirects in .htaccess 
if necessary.
-  * Move the Cactus tests for Struts EL into the 'integration' module, and 
figure out how to run them against the strutsel-exercise-taglib webapp which is 
in the 'apps' module.
+  * Figure out how to run the Cactus tests in 'integration/el-it' against the 
strutsel-exercise-taglib webapp which is in the 'apps' module.
+  * Figure out how to include the source code in the example webapps under 
WEB-INF/src (Custom plugin, or antrun plugin?)
+   *

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