My entire thoughts on the EL-API thing is this:

I only care about using the EL API if I get the additional tool support. IDEA, 
for example, does some decent code completion when you do ${ ... } in a JSP. It 
doesn't, on the other hand, do anything useful when I type <ww:property 
value="..."/> or use %{ ... } in another WebWork tag. I see very little value, 
other than knowledge transfer of a quite simple language, in using the EL-API 
if we can't also take advantage of these tools.

As I understand it, simply plopping in some other underlying EL such as Jexl or 
Ognl won't get us any closer to that tool support. Is that correct? My hunch 
says that IDEA will, whether it should or not, continue to do code completion 
as if the EL was using the standard implementation.

Again: short of slightly simpler "brain matter migration" with the "${" and "}" 
tokens in our JSPs, what value does using the EL-API provide when using a 
completely different underlying language?
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