Martin Cooper wrote:
On 4/28/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I call a vote that the Struts PMC accept the WebWork 2 podling as having
met the incubation requirements and thereby be
accepted by the Apache Struts project as Struts Action 2.

A couple of things I noticed on a quick scan:

* One of the files in the pico package ( has only
an ASF copyright, while all the others in the same package also have a
NanoContainer copyright. Did we accidentally zap the latter on that one
file, or did it not come from there?

* There are still quite a few files that have OS copyrights but not ASF

* has a copyright for BEKK Consulting but not one for
the ASF. Are we sure we're OK for IP on this one?

* has a copyright for Down & Around, Inc. but not one
for the ASF. Are we sure we're OK for IP on this one?
This is mine.  I'll be faxing in the IP assignment tomorrow.

* dtree.css has a copyright for Geir Landrö but not one for the ASF. Are we
sure we're OK for IP on this one?

* The file
has a copyright for Your Corporation (!) but not one for the ASF.

Once these are all squared away, I am +1, but we need to sort these out
first. I'm willing to help do that if someone can verify what needs to

Martin Cooper


[ ] +1 Let's bring it in, and I'm committed to the project
[ ] +0 Let's bring it in, but I won't be involved
[ ] -0 I'd rather not, but I'm not involved, and here's why...
[ ] -1 Let's not, and here's why...

We welcome votes from all community members, however, only the votes
of Struts PMC members are binding.

If this vote passes, the Incubator will need to vote for the graduation to
be complete.

Here is my +1


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