Although you don't mention it here, I think it's always been kind of implied... still, I'd like to see it explicitly stated, and that is, what about existing Struts users? Will they have a migration path (and what is it?), or not? The same kind of question your asking for Webwork users in other words.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I find it hard to believe the migration for existing Webwork users could ever be more difficult than for existing Struts users. So, I think it's a fair point to raise.


Jason Carreira wrote:
So we've gone off on many tangents, but the core question remains unanswered.
What's the goal of SAF 2.0?

Are we looking to:

1) Clean up some of the more annoying points of WebWork and XWork but generally 
have a backward compatible framework that WebWork users can easily jump on to 

2) Take time to get things right, even if it means backward compatibility and familiarity to WebWork users takes a hit and it takes the WebWork community longer to migrate.
So which is it? I don't think the "let's do #1 then start working on #2" will 
work, 'cause it's going to be very different APIs apparently.
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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM: fzammetti
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