My company, Autoriginate (, has donated a free 
HostedQA account to all Struts developers who request one. The account is 
available at Just speak up if you want an account 
and I'll set you up.

So what does this get us? I've already checked in to the showcase webapp 
pom.xml the integration needed to test on HostedQA's servers. Simply doing the 
following within the showcase dir:

mvn '-Demail=...' '-Dpassword=...' -Phostedqa package

Will result in the showcase war being uploaded to, 
deployed, and then tested on Tomcat running on FireFox. Right now there aren't 
many tests, but anyone with an account can go add more at any time. We can also 
expand the testing configurations to include IE, Resin, and JBoss (more coming 

I hope that once we get past the incubation phase and have a continuous 
integration server set up, we can have real in-browser tests running every 
night on a variety of platforms. This would ensure that our taglibs are working 
on all app servers and our AJAX code is working on all browsers - both common 
pitfalls we've had for a long time.

So if you want to be able to write some tests or play them back, just speak up 
and I'll get you an account.
Posted via Jive Forums

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