Ok thank you Ted, you for your adwice.

2006/4/28, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Thanks for mentioning this project, Angelo.

In the future, you can start a new thread for product announcements.
It's also helpful to include "[ANN]" or "[ANNOUNCE]' in the subject
line. When you are ready for a stable release, the
user@struts.apache.org list is usually the best place to announce
extensions and taglibs.


On 4/27/06, Angelo zerr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello;
> I mail you to announce JSPTabControl project is created.
> JSPTabControl is JSP taglib for manage tabs in your JSP. This taglib
> generate tabs with "pure CSS tabs" technique (using "li" and "ul").
> JSPtabControl give you several features :
> 1. tab control (body and header) and tab page (body and header) can be
> easily customized with CSS.
> 2. titles of tab header page can be localized, by using Struts
> AplicationResources or Resource Bundle file properties.
> 3. select a tab with JAVA code (for example in your action struts).
> 4. keep last tab selected after posting form.
> 5. set a state (INVISIBLE, READ-ONLY, FORBIDDEN, ERROR, ...) with JAVA
> for a particulary tab page :
>     5.1. to manage render of tab page (header and body) by using CSS.
>     5.2. to execute function javascript swith events (eg : when tab page
> FORBIDDEN state, you could execute javascrit message alert "You are not
> authorized to access this tab!" when user click in this tab page).
> You can manage any states. States are configurate (Style class and
> Javascript to execute) into XML file.
>  States can be used for exemple to manage role in your WEB Application.
> 6. use EL syntax (see JSTL specification) in JSPTabControl attributes
> (with, height,...) to evaluate JSP expressions dynamically.
> You can find JSPTabControl  WEB site at
> http://jsptabcontrol.sourceforge.net/ and download it at
> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=161371
> Regards Angelo

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