On 06/06/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Maven2 needs to support integration testing as a first class notion in the
architecture of what you envision a "project" to be.

It may not have been clear enough, but that's exactly what I meant in
my last email. I thought this is what the wiki page discussed - if you
think something is missing there, let me know.

Somehow I missed the correct issue I was thinking of, MNG-1381, so
I've linked that now instead. I'm just trying to consolidate this. I
can assure you it is the issue you are thinking of - sorry for the
confusion, re-reading I see MNG-591 is a specific use case of
integration testing and not very helpful.

It's not just webapps
.. you've got the same sort of issue with EJBs, or web services, or anything
that gets deployed in a container.  Unit tests just don't give you the
confidence you need that the application will actually work.  I've seen too
many cases where all the unit tests on a webapp all pass with flying colors,
but it throws an HTTP 500 on the welcome page because of a stupid coding
error in the JSP page that wasnt' tested with the unit tests.

Yes, I'm well aware of that.

What's needed is a complete additional test environment, with its own
lifecycle, and its own classpath (i.e. dependencies tagged to this scope so
you only load things like HttpUnit or HtmlUnit here).  If integration tests
exist, they should be part of the default "mvn install" processing, just
like unit tests are, unless it is explicitly disabled.  Don't pretend that
there is only one kind of "test"!!!

Again, what I was getting at. This was discussed at length on the
Maven dev list and is summarised on the wiki page.

Otherwise, you guys are not being serious about trying to encouraging best
practices in build environments :-(.

Of course we are.

- Brett

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