On 7/18/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Nathan Bubna wrote:
>>  (it's been awhile
>> since I've been one myself --- Ahh, those were the days!), but the _
>> is a shift key. If we were going to use a separator in the vmname, we
>> might want to try the hyphen (-). Then, all three would have
>> separators, even if different separators :)
>> From the VTL reference, it looks like only [ a..z, A..Z ][ a..z, A..Z,
>> 0..9, -, _ ] are valid,.
>> * http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity/docs/vtl-reference-guide.html
> My general feel is that #surl is fine, but if you really want a
> separation, you should use a hyphen, not an underscore.   Of course,
> if i were doing this myself i might design some/many of these as tools
> instead.  so $s.url(...) instead of #surl(...).   No biggie though.

Hmm...what would be involved if we did turn it into a tool?  Are there any
advantages/disadvantages over how we do it now?

Once we get Velocity 1.5 out, tools will probably be the easiest
development path for most things.  Prior to 1.5's better \n handling
directives are easiest for anything that needs/wants/uses a body.

In general, tools are the best thing for stuff that is not
Velocity-related.  In other words, if the function in question doesn't
need access to the AST and such, use a tool.  Then you have much more
flexibility and room for syntactic sugar.

And as it stands now, looks like "s-" is winning.



> :)
>> -T.
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