Does anyone notice what is happening here?

On 8/8/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sounds reasonable.  Open up a JIRA ticket and attach the patch, and I'll
apply it.


Chris Waring wrote:
> Don Brown-2 wrote:
>>> 3) Should we add the capability to configure the JSF application,
>>> listeners, etc. from within the Struts config?  How far do we go with
>>> this?
>>> I'm not sure that we would want to allow navigation, validation, and
>>> like to be configured using the Struts config?
>> I'd say no for now, but if we move to a more extensible XSD-based XML
>> format later on, it might be interesting to combine them.
> What about just adding a couple of paramaters to the
> for the heavily used things like VariableResolver, MessageBundle,
> ViewHandler and maybe ActionListener (although I don't think many people
> change this one)?
> The config might look something like this:
>      <interceptor-ref name="jsfApplicationSetup">
>               <param name="actionListener"></param>
>               <param name="defaultRenderKitId"></param>
>               <param name="localeConfig"></param>
>               <param name="messageBundle"></param>
>               <param name="navigationHandler"></param>
>               <param name="propertyResolver"></param>
>               <param name="stateManager"></param>
>               <param name="variableResolver"></param>
>               <param
> name="viewHandler">org.apache.shale.tiles.TilesViewHandler</param>
>         </interceptor-ref>
> The FacesSetupInterceptor Code could then check the parameter variables
> see that they are not null, create the requested class and set the class
> the JSF application object using the appropriate setter.
> --Chris

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