On 8/22/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think a couple extra classes is worth switching from this:

public Order createOrder(User user, Product product, int quantity) {
    if ( log.isLoggable(Level.FINE) ) {
        log.fine("Creating new order for user: " + user.username() +
            " product: " + product.name()
            + " quantity: " + quantity);
    return new Order(user, product, quantity);

to this:

public Order createOrder(User user, Product product, int quantity) {
    log.debug("Creating new order for user: #0 product: #1 quantity: #2",
user.username(), product.name(), quantity);
    return new Order(user, product, quantity);

I suppose it was an accident that you spread the log.fine call over 3 lines,
but used one much longer line for the log.debug example? Stretching a point
perhaps? ;-)

As long as the log output and log configuration for my end application is
unified - so Struts output and Commons component output go to the same place
- then I'm OK with using something other than Commons Logging, if we have

Martin Cooper

Considering how often we log things, I think the cleanup is huge and a
few classes are definitely worth the price.


Bob Lee wrote:
> On 8/22/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Well, for one, we only really need one logging instance for the whole
>> library.  Second, and admittedly this is subjective, the
>> java.util.logging API is a horribly designed, obtuse API.  I'd rather
>> see us write a small, clean API along the lines of Seam's logging class
>> that utilizes varargs to reduce the need for isDebugEnabled().
> I agree that j.u.logging is a PoS, but it's ubiquitous, and for our
> purposes, it workds fine. We may only need one logger for the whole
> framework, but it's just as easy to create a logger per class, and you
> can
> still configure them all at once. I'd rather fix j.u.logging than
> build yet
> another API.
> Bob

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