On 10/26/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Then, each result selector is given a chance to select a single String.
If a result has when="modern-browser,partial-html",
the each selector will be given a chance to return its "when" token, and
xwork will match them together as AND.

Or, with wildcards ...

 <result-type name="selector" class="o.a..d.SelectorResult" >
        <param name="matchers" class="o.a.s.d.RoleMatcher">
        <param name="matchers" class="o.a.s.d.AgentMatcher">
       <param name="wraps" class="o.a.s.d.ServletDispatcherResult>

<action name="*" class="mypackage.{1}">

   <result type="selector">/{1}{result-code}{role}{agent}.jsp</result>

   <result name="error">/{1}-error.jsp</result>


Each "matcher" could add a named token into the context, like
"-manager". The selector result could then resolve the wildcard path
and delegate to another Result, like the default ServletDispatcher
Result. The matchers might not inject a token, if it was the default
or didn't apply for some reason.

So, an application using this strategy might have pages named like.

* ViewFoo.jsp
* ViewFoo-netscape4.jsp
* ViewFoo-manager.jsp
* ViewFoo-manager-netscape4.jsp
* ViewFoo-failure.jsp

Of course, this strategy presupposes using something like SiteMesh or
Tiles to provide the standard layout, so that each "page" can just
focus on it's own content.


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