In Tapestry, you use the "spring:" prefix notation (all lowercase) to refer to Spring beans.

David Durham wrote:
Dave Newton wrote:
From: David Durham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
I kind of stumbled over the spring "glue" for struts, rereading the
wiki page a few times before the struts.xml action _class_ needs to
reference the bean name attribute from spring's configuration.  Just
thinking about it a little more, that seems a bit esoteric.  Would it
be better to have the class attribute be specified as "spring::bean"
or "spring:bean", something like that?

You can turn off the autowiring if you don't like how it works or
configure the actions explicitly (I think...)

I didn't find it particularly esoteric that if you have an id and setter
that match that it injects it for you, but that's just me :)

I don't think my first message was clear, and perhaps the problem is that I really only have a cursory understanding of Struts 2, but my thinking is that if a configuration file in a Java framework has an attribute named "class," then that refers to a Java classname, e.g., com.dave.MyClass. And, indeed in struts.xml, the class usually does.

  <action name="..." class="com.comp.MyAction" />

but in the spring integration it's:

  <action name="..." class="SpringBeanName" />

This is great. It works great, SFAIK. I'm saying that perhaps that shoul be:

  <action name="..." class="Spring:SpringBeanName" />

or something like that to kind of indicate to a developer, "Hey, this isn't a standard java class name."


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