I got my entire app working on Websphere 5 (servlet 1.2, jsp 2.3, jdk
1.4.2) using the tiles-core-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar from 9/14/2006 (filesize:
128880, CRC: 3F46E3BF). I did have to use jstl.jar and standard.jar (not
the 1.1.2 versions) because of this WebSphere environment.

I'd like to either:
A)      find the source code for this exact build
B)      migrate to the latest Tiles 2 snapshot

For option A: can anybody help me pin down this source code?

Option B
I see a lot has change since Sep 2006. First and foremost is that Tiles
2 is now built on JDK 1.5. I also see that tiles:insert has become
tiles:insertDefinition and that TilesContext now is factory generated.

I am having little luck migrating and getting not much to go on
log-message-wise. This is what I've tried:

1)      changed all my tiles-defs to use tiles-config_2_0.dtd instead of
2)      changed all my tiles:insert statements to tiles:insertDefinition
3)      added the following to my web.xml:
4)      retrotranslated the current tiles-core-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar and
tiles-api-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar and put these into my web-inf/lib directory
and removed the old jar.
5)      Retrotranslated and tossed in the current xml-apis-1.0.b2.jar as

None of my pages come up and I get no messages. All I see in the log is
messages to the effect that initDefinitionsFactory has started (I

INFO: initializing definitions factory...

When I purposely mess up a definition I get a message directing me to
the problem so I think this is working.

What steps have I missed? If the taglib included in the current jar
going to work for me?

Any advice is appreciated.

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