I was leaving "site" out. Thanks!


On 12/31/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 12/31/06, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I looked again at a clean checkout and found the reference. The
> assembly POM in my usual working copy was missing the XWork stanza.
> I'm not sure when I did that or why.
> The other thing is why do we get the
> Embedded error:
> C:\projects\Apache\struts2-clean\assembly\..\target\site isn't a
> directory.
> prompt on a clean build. Every artifact in the assembly seems to
> generate this error. Creating the directory cures the problem, but
> only until the next clean build.

I don't see that error, and I'm on Windows.

C:\projects\Apache\struts2-clean\assembly\..\target\site would be the
path to the top-level generated website.

The instructions say 'mvn clean install site -P all,pre-assembly', so
with 'site' in there, all the websites should get generated under
their respective modules' target/site directories.

(And I have other uncommitted changes in the assembly module, so just
fixing the version in assembly/pom.xml is the best idea for now.)

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