On 2/25/07, Tom Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I've been using the plugin registry for all my
documentation since I like Confluence better than the google wiki. :)  I
hope no one minds.

I'd say that no one will mind. :)

There's a few parts of GoogleCode that are still quirky. I'm
disappointed that the Subversion alerts do not include the DIFFs.
We've had to resort to posting our own daily DIFFs. The immutable
issue descriptions is also awkward. But, the other sites also have
their own quirks too. It does seem like GC is on the right track, so
it's going to remain my own independent open source host of choice for
now. I'm no fan of moin-moin, but it will be interesting to see what
happens with this notion of storing wiki pages under SVN.

The "best of breed" approach we use at the ASF sometimes creates more
maintenance than the integrated approaches, like GC and SF, but it is
nice to be able to use the best tool for the job. (Leaving one to
wonder how long it will be before GC is the best tool for the job.)

Meanwhile, for our next battle, what do we need to do to get a
JiveForum setup for the Struts list somewhere. In the past, the best
way to get something into the ASF infrastructure is to vote with our
feet and host it somewhere else first. Then, we can point and say "Yet
it moves!".

You know, back in the day, I believe Pier setup an experimental Jive
instance for us, but it was not as cool as it is today. Or maybe that
was a different Jive.


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