On 2/26/07, Konstantin Priblouda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My point still holds true--Pico requires more code
> than Guice.

Structly speaking using pico in a webapp requires no
code at all (except of course container configuration
in xml or whatever else)

Ummmm, strictly speaking, that's still code. ;)

What is with third party libraries, which do not know
anything about guice?

You can write a custom Provider as I illustrated above.

If I understood you correctly, in guice there will be
need to write some adapter / factory. Who got more

I'm pretty sure Pico is still more verbose. If you explain what your example
is doing a little better, I'll be happy to illustrate.

>   .annotatedWith(Secure.class)
>   .to(FailoverSessionDelegator.class);
> Then apply "@Inject @Secure" wherever you want a
> secure Session. You can
> obviously reuse the @Secure annotation elsewhere,
> too.

Correct me if I'm wrong ( due to lack of complete
undertanging of guice ), but this means that you
need to tell explicitely that org.hibernate.Session
would be represented  by FailoverSessionDelegator


What if I like to use another session impl in the same

Use an annotation.

You do not have to specify this with pico - your
constructor states it need Session , container looks
for implementation of session.  If there is one than
one available -  ambiguity shall be resolved by means
of explicit mapping ( no difference with guice? )


Scoping is another issue. Guice users depend on your
wisdom to provide them with annotations. If those
annotations are to be applied on  some framework (
say, my menu framework for example ), then there is a
leak of concepts - I have to decide component scope
in a project which has nothing to do with  web
application ( but will be used for it ). What if I
need different scope?

You can override the scope in the configuration. You can also implement your
own scopes and scope annotations. The users' guide explains this.


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