On 2/28/07, Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 2/28/07, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The list of issues for 1.3.7 look good.  I can't find your PGP key, so
> I'm unable to check the .asc file.
> The src in the -all zip happily packages into jars.
> Installing the apps into a Tomcat 5.5, I get the following error for
> struts-faces-example2-1.3.7:
> SEVERE: Parse Error at line 146 column 37: Attribute "cancellable"
> must be declared for element type "action".
> org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Attribute "cancellable" must be
> declared for element type "action".
> I can't recall if that's fine - does it mean that an app needs to move
> from the <property> approach to doing cancellable?

Fixed in the trunk and 1.3 branch - an older version of the DTD (which
didn't have the cancellable attribute) was referenced in the


> Running the apps:
> * Blank - Good.
> * Cookbook - Problems on the Validator page:
> When I enter the date it says "Date is not a date". I'm entering
> 27/2/1975 (and 27/02/1975, and 29/ and 28/). Looks like it is
> mm/dd/yyyy and not dd/mm/yyyy as claimed. To prove the view source
> works, from validation.xml via the webapp:

Fixed - the label next to the field now shows "mm/dd/yyyy"


> The US Postal code mask allows more than 5 digits. Not sure if that's

The regex thats been specified enforces a minimum of 5 digits:

So its working as its supposed to be - whether thats correct for US
zip codes I have no idea.

There are two forms of U.S. zip code - Zip (e.g. 94566) and Zip+4 (e.g.
94566-7047), so theoretically we should be checking for either 5 digits or 5
digits, then a dash, then four digits.

Martin Cooper

* El-Example
> Pressing Save on the Scalar Setters page causes an exception.
> The Href link on the logic:redirect page leads to a 404
> The last Logic Comparison tag test fails [result looks to be inverse
> of the desired one]

All fixed - see:

> * Examples
> struts-bean:cookie results are incorrect for nulls. Shows blank.

Maybe not a great example - since the cookie is not found <bean:write>
outputs nothing whereas <jsp:getProperty> shows "null" - the
<bean:cookie> tag which its intended to test looks like its working as
its supposed to though.

> MatchTag looks like it has a problem - its correct values and its test
> results are from different semantic domains.

"Correct Value Test" is a confusing label for that column - its really
indicating the type of "match" thats being performed - I've changed
this now to "Match Test".

> urlvalidator doesn't support http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ (I suspect
> this is an enhancement req)

Is that valid? Anyway if its an issue its against Commons Validator
rather than Struts.

> The rest of it seems good. I'll let you decide what's important in the
> above. Assuming nothing seems like a blocker to you (ie: likely to be
> related to the fixes), then I'm +1 on the release.

Thanks for the thorough test Henri :-)

The fact that all these issues just relate to the example applications
- and they were all in the 1.3.5 "GA" release :-(  means none of them
are blockers IMO.


> As to alpha/beta/GA, I'm new to that type of thing and not sure how to
> define it as I don't run it in production.
> Hen
> On 2/25/07, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The Struts 1.3.7 test build is now available.
> >
> > Release notes:
> > * http://struts.apache.org/1.x/userGuide/release-notes.html
> >
> > Distribution:
> > * http://people.apache.org/builds/struts/1.3.7/
> >
> > Maven 2 staging repository:
> > * http://people.apache.org/builds/struts/1.3.7/m2-staging-repository/
> >
> > If you have had a chance to review the test build, please respond with
> > a vote on its quality:
> >
> > [  ] Leave at test build
> > [  ] Alpha
> > [  ] Beta
> > [  ] General Availability (GA)
> >
> > Everyone who has tested the build is invited to vote. Votes by PMC
> > members are considered binding. A vote passes if there are at least
> > three binding +1s and more +1s than -1s.
> >
> > Please remember that a *binding* +1 for GA implies that you intend to
> > support the release by applying patches and responding to posts to the
> > user and dev lists.
> >
> > The vote will remain open for at least 72 hours, longer upon request.
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Paul Benedict

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