         I have a form called as UserForm(UserForm.java ) and a
UserAction(UserAction.java) configured in the struts config for the dispatch
action method named getUserDetails.The UserForm has a property called as

My JSP Code is 

<%@ taglib uri="http://struts.apache.org/tags-html"; prefix="html"%>
<%@ taglib uri="http://struts.apache.org/tags-logic"; prefix="logic"%>
<%@ taglib uri="http://struts.apache.org/tags-bean"; prefix="bean"%>

<html:form styleId="userForm"
<html:text name="userForm" property="userID"            
<html:submit value="GO" styleClass="buttonedit"></html:submit>


      This HTML form is a part of a tile layout.When I submit the form ,the
userID value in the getUserDetails method  of the UserAction Class is found
to be null..Is there any reason for the userID to be null ?????

I have the correct form bean mapping and action mapping in the struts config
and also the getters and setters for the form properties are correct.Can U
let me know why the form values are null on submit ??? I also tried
submitting the form using Java Script and still the form values are found to
be null..My Struts version is 1.3.5

Any Clues???

Thanks in Advance ..

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