On Nov 1, 2007 4:10 PM, Brian Pontarelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <s:hidden name="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" value="EUR"/>
> <s:textfield key="child.allowance"/>
> <c:hidden name="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" value="MM/dd/yyyy"/>
> <s:textfield key="subscription.expireDate"/>

Is the use case that these facts are embedded in the page, but not
known to the server-side system? So, since the Action doesn't already
"know" the format is "MM/dd/yyyy", it needs to be told?

> True to some degree. You still have the issue that some of the
> parameters don't map to properties of the JavaBean. If you did this:
> <s:hidden name="user.allowance.currencyCode" value="USD"/>
> <s:textfield key="user.allowance.amount"/>
> You would need to specify that the currencyCode should be excluded,

If all this is going to be placed into a map of attributes anyway,
could we just have a map of attributes?

 <c:hidden name="attributes[subscription_expireDate_format]"
 <s:textfield key="subscription.expireDate"/>

I don't know if this is the right syntax or not, or even if we have a
syntax for adding entries to a map property. If we don't, then I'm
thinking that we should solve that general use case, which should
address this specific use case.


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