If there is a need for a JRuby web framework in the spirit of S2/WebWork
then I would say there is an argument for keeping it seperate.  Take the
ideology from S2 but then take the best of breed from the Ruby world
where you can.  Things like activerecord-jdbc etc.

Looking at your reply to Ted, if this is a wishlist for adding dynamic
things to S2..  I think that your idea for Grails/Groovy validation
would be really good.
The only part of S2 that I feel is less than perfect is the views.  This
is partly down to Java as a whole, I just don't like JSP/Freemarker that
much.  I think having erb (is that right?) views or GSPs would be pretty
cool.  With Groovy actions you'd be be able to change things on the fly

----- Original message -----
From: "Tom Schneider" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Developers List" <dev@struts.apache.org>
Date: Sun, 02 Dec 2007 16:33:09 -0600
Subject: Re: JRuby in Struts 2

No Martin, that's a valid question.  Is there a need for JRuby in S2?  
I'm not really the person driving this initiative, it's Richard Burton 
with assistance from Charles Nutter (one of the JRuby core developers).  
I just provided some S2 technical expertise for them.  However, since 
Sun employs 2 of the core JRuby developers, I don't think it's going 
away any time soon.  I think originally we thought we could write S2 
actions in JRuby.  Since that didn't work out so well, the question 
becomes: 'Now what?'

Martin Gilday wrote:
> Could you explain your reasoning as to why you need a new framework?  If
> someone wants a Rails like framework for JRuby, why would they not just
> use Rails on JRuby?  If you were to make a diverging framework, as you
> mention, why would it need to have anything to do with Struts 2?  What
> parts of the S2 eco-system would you keep?  Would trying to make it part
> of Struts 2 not preclude you from making full use of JRuby?  If you want
> to do something Rails-esque on the Java platform then there is already
> the fantastic Grails.
> Sorry if this sounds negative.  I'm just not sure if there really is a
> need to try and merge in a new Ruby based framework and S2.

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