I believe that OVal will soon be a referenced as existing technology for this 


 As far as I can tell, they have the most powerful set of features including 
support for:

- AOP (AspectJ)
- Spring integration (Validation interface)
- BeanShell / ruby / ognl / js / mvel / groovy  constraint expressions
- JPA annotation validation hooks (ex @javax.persistence.OneToOne => 
- Profiles (Multiple configurations per class that allow for runtime switching)
- Object invariants / preconditions / postconditions
- XML annotation overriding

It's worth considering some of there approaches for s2 validation, if not 
leveraging OVal as a s2 plugin.

> On Dec 10, 2007 7:02 AM, Philip Luppens  wrote:
>> On Dec 9, 2007 7:42 AM, Tom Schneider  wrote:
>>> Just wanted to chime in here. I have very specific goals that I am
>>> trying to achieve, so I thought I would explain them in detail. (this
>>> is something I've been tasked with at work)
>>> [snip]
>>> So that's where I'm currently at. I haven't had much time yet to really
>>> dig into this yet. Any additional ideas/suggestions would be greatly
>>> appreciated.
>>> Tom
>> Are there any known implementations of JSR 303 ("Bean Validation") [1]
>> yet ? Jason Carreira started that one some time ago, (based on XWork's
>> validation, I assume). I thought the spec was pretty dead until I saw
>> they're actually giving a session at JavaPolis this week.
> The spec lead has recently been changed from Jason to Emmanuel Bernard
> (Red Hat) so there should be progress on this JSR now.
> Niall


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