What is the policy for Struts committers getting access to XWork? While
updating the convention plugin I had to change a few things in XWork and I
want to make sure that they get committed to trunk before I start using the
convention plugin on projects. I have a few bugs open, but it could take a
while to get those in. Since Struts and XWork as so tightly coupled and
still separate projects, would it make sense for all Struts committers to
also have access to XWork?

Also, as a separate topic, what are the future plans for all the external
dependencies for Struts core? One of the difficult things I've found is that
the two most major dependencies, OGNL and XWork, are not only confusing for
some of my employees since the need to import from packages other than
org.apache.struts2, but also not accessible to me for modification and
updates and such.


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