Piero Sartini wrote:
The results should be the same as smarturls, codebehind, etc. In your
case they should be login-success.jsp or login.jsp and
register-success.jsp or register.jsp. If you turn on some fine or finest
logging in the convention package it should print out the results it is
mapping in the configuration provider and in the unknown handler.

After playing around a litte bit more, I realized that the problem is the namespace.

My action is located at

My resuts are in /WEB-INF/content/
I expected they have to be in /WEB-INF/content/auth/
but they do work only if I put them in /WEB-INF/content/
It seems to be a bug. I have a large complex application up and that uses namespaces and it appears to be working well. Therefore, I'm assuming it must be an environment or configuration bug inside the convention plugin that is being revealed within your application. Can you open a bug for the plugin and attach some code. I created a component in Jira for the plugin, so you can put the bug in that category.

Also, if you turn on finest JDK logging for org.apache.struts2.convention it will log out everything it it is doing, including finding actions, namespaces and results. This should also help track down the bug.


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